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Did you kill Paarthurnax?


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Perhaps he just used you to kill Alduin and become a Dragon leader. But he only wants to coexistence with humans and teach dragons to way of the voice. I love dragons and want them alive so I think why not let him be their wise king.

The dragons once tried to enslave the mortal race. I highly doubt they want to live together with them now.

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Perhaps he just used you to kill Alduin and become a Dragon leader. But he only wants to coexistence with humans and teach dragons to way of the voice. I love dragons and want them alive so I think why not let him be their wise king.

The dragons once tried to enslave the mortal race. I highly doubt they want to live together with them now.

High elves say hi. IRL, white people say hi to black people.

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Perhaps he just used you to kill Alduin and become a Dragon leader. But he only wants to coexistence with humans and teach dragons to way of the voice. I love dragons and want them alive so I think why not let him be their wise king.

The dragons once tried to enslave the mortal race. I highly doubt they want to live together with them now.


I personally find this inclusion into the lore contradictory and piss poor writing. We have no indication what so ever that the Mer, regardless of race, were subjugated by the Dragons. As far as the timeline goes, it seems the Dragons subjugated the Nords sometime between the destruction of the Falmer and the invasion of Resdayn (Morrowind). We know this because Ysgramor did not the use of the Shouts when he returned from Atmora, but Yorlef did when the Nords were defeated at Red Mountain.

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High elves say hi. IRL, white people say hi to black people.

What? How is that related to why dragons wouldn't want to befriend what they tried to enslave?

High Elves doesn't try to befriend anybody, so that is out of the question right there.

White and Black people are another dicsussion all together. In our world racism is frowned upon, in Tamriel it is an everyday thing.

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In our world racism is frowned upon

Actually, racism makes much more sense in Skyrim than it does IRL. I mean, IRL we're all humans no matter what.. So yeah, you're judging another human for his skin colour or his origin but you're a human too, why are you any different and what makes you better?


In Skyrim there are Argonians, Khajits, Elves.. People will still pick on them but then again, it's a common thing, just like they will pick on the other people. But in the end they move along cause personalities are what matters there. Blades don't seem to think so though. If Paarthurnax was actually a guy or something else except for a dragon they wouldn't react this way. But no, not only the find out he is a dragon but they also order you to kill him.. Seriously? I thought Dragonborn was the leader of the Blades.. Or at least the honorary leader.. They can go try kill him themselves if they like.. At least try. And get eaten.

Edited by BlancoCreed
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In our world racism is frowned upon

Actually, racism makes much more sense in Skyrim than it does IRL. I mean, IRL we're all humans no matter what.. So yeah, you're judging another human for his skin colour or his origin but you're a human too, why are you any different and what makes you better?


In Skyrim there are Argonians, Khajits, Elves.. People will still pick on them but then again, it's a common thing, just like they will pick on the other people. But in the end they move along cause personalities are what matters there. Blades don't seem to think so though. If Paarthurnax was actually a guy or something else except for a dragon they wouldn't react this way. But no, not only the find out he is a dragon but they also order you to kill him.. Seriously? I thought Dragonborn was the leader of the Blades.. Or at least the honorary leader.. They can go try kill him themselves if they like.. At least try. And get eaten.

No! Paarthurnax might get indigestion from eating such garbage. :sad:

Edited by MidbossVyers
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Actually, racism makes much more sense in Skyrim than it does IRL. I mean, IRL we're all humans no matter what.. So yeah, you're judging another human for his skin colour or his origin but you're a human too, why are you any different and what makes you better?

Don't ask me: I am not the one who made the point and comparing them. You even said the exact same thing I did.


Skyrim there are Argonians, Khajits, Elves.. People will still pick on them but then again, it's a common thing, just like they will pick on the other people. But in the end they move along cause personalities are what matters there. Blades don't seem to think so though. If Paarthurnax was actually a guy or something else except for a dragon they wouldn't react this way. But no, not only the find out he is a dragon but they also order you to kill him.. Seriously? I thought Dragonborn was the leader of the Blades.. Or at least the honorary leader.. They can go try kill him themselves if they like.. At least try. And get eaten.

A last desperate bark from a dead order. They want him dead out of principles, not out of logic or common sense. Even though I do like Paarthurnax, I feel he got a darker side than he shows us. There are currently 2 dragons worthy to lead the dragon race. One being Alduin, and one being Paarthurnax. Alduin got betrayed by Paarthurnax. The most logical thing to do is to find an enemy of Alduin, which is strong enough to kill him. It's the "The enemies of my enemy is my friend" kid of mentality. Thus he gets rid of Alduin and can simply wait out your life-time. He also got the Gryebeards watching for Dragonborns, so he would know when a new champion would come forward. Basically, he is in a perfect spot to do whatever the heck he wants. I admit he doesn't seem to want too, but I simply get the feeling.


That said, I wouldn't kill him for any reason other than my own -- being Dovahkiin. The Blades havn't done anything worth mentioning the last 200 years, and rely on me now. I am not taking orders from a dead order with no purpose -- they should take orders from me. At which I would send their sorry ass over the Summerset Isles and see what good they can do over there.

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The Kill Paarthurnax quest was probably the worst one I encountered - and I have problems with a few quests in the game. Like most people here, I opted for not just no, but hell no (any reasons I have were echoed by several posters above).


Unfortunately, the questline ends there. Sure, you can reassure the Graybeards that you won't kill their master, but there's no option to tell the Blades that. Why not? Let them ignore me for the end of time, and set the quest to failed; have them attack me; have them try to kill him themselves, while I defend him; I don't have a problem with any of those options. Just make them stop repeating their "order" to go kill him! The quest is unfinished!




There are 2 reasons why this was left open:


1. expansion.


2. Creation Kit. Modders will put end this story as they see fit.

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A last desperate bark from a dead order. They want him dead out of principles, not out of logic or common sense. Even though I do like Paarthurnax, I feel he got a darker side than he shows us. There are currently 2 dragons worthy to lead the dragon race. One being Alduin, and one being Paarthurnax. Alduin got betrayed by Paarthurnax. The most logical thing to do is to find an enemy of Alduin, which is strong enough to kill him. It's the "The enemies of my enemy is my friend" kid of mentality. Thus he gets rid of Alduin and can simply wait out your life-time. He also got the Gryebeards watching for Dragonborns, so he would know when a new champion would come forward. Basically, he is in a perfect spot to do whatever the heck he wants. I admit he doesn't seem to want too, but I simply get the feeling.


That said, I wouldn't kill him for any reason other than my own -- being Dovahkiin. The Blades havn't done anything worth mentioning the last 200 years, and rely on me now. I am not taking orders from a dead order with no purpose -- they should take orders from me. At which I would send their sorry ass over the Summerset Isles and see what good they can do over there.

I am not sure whether they have any principles left or they misunderstand the meaning of the word "principles". Delphin speaks clearly out of revenge, without thinking at all. He is a dragon = he must die. At least after the meeting at the High Hrothgar ended, that's what she said, kinda left me in shock.


What you say about Paarthurnax could be right. But I'd rather believe that dragons have the dignity and self-appreciation to be honest creatures. Paarthurnax meets Dragonborn and calls him one of his own and how nice is it to engage into a conversation with him. Paarthurnax could have just had a change of heart, noticing how cruel Alduin is and deciding to oppose him. Also, Odahviing could pretty much burn my face straight forward when I was talking to him but instead he was impressed by the power of my Thu'um and acknowledged that Alduin's not the kind of leader he used to be (even if that means he is weaker than before). He also takes honesty seriously as he says that your words "hurt" him and that he's no liar when you question his honesty about him taking you the Sovngarde portal. If I trusted so many people throughout my quests, there's no reason not to trust a couple dragons too.

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