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Did you kill Paarthurnax?


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At first i liked Delphine but after i just like oh she's not that great but when she told me to kill Paarthurnax i was like "WOW really?" why don't u go kill it if u don't like Paarthurnax? why don't you go defeat Alduin? Why can't you do something useful other then tell me to kill Paarthurnax? Did u do a single thing that helps me to defeat Alduin? I'm pretty sure even they are not here the Grey Breads and Paarthurnax knows there's a shout that call Dragonrend that can help killing dragon... So now she's telling me to kill Paarthurnax which the guy who help defeat Paarthurnax!? Yes Paarthurnax might be killed lots of people in the ancient time but I don't really care what happen in the ancient period i just know NOW he helped to defeat Alduin. That's it! so if u want Paarthurnax to die then you can draw ur sword to me and see who's stronger!!

btw Esbern is fine cuz he just want to kill the dragons from the begining... i don't know lol i think he's better than Delpine although when he tell me to kill Paarthurnax makes me little upset but he's fine

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What an unbelievable Useless Bunch the Blades are, i killed Paarthunax and Joined the Blades, i got a Potion that did Nothing and the 3 Blades are just Cowering in Fear when they see a Dragon. :ermm:


Just when you think the Greybeards dont have any Word Walls for me, now Esbern dont have any Dragon Sightings for me and my Log tells me to bring him Dragon Bones, but he doesent take them at all. :psyduck:


I let Delphine Bully me around for this. :facepalm:

Edited by daventry
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i wish there was anyway i could bring him back to life and the greybeards would like me again.if anyone knows if i can bring him back to life plz reply??



You can use console codes...


1. press ~

2. Type in player.placeatme 3C57C 1

3. click on paarthurnax until you get his code stored.

4. type in "resurrect"


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Well, Delphine is hardly a cow. She's really skinny. I liked her at first and thought she was cool.

But I started not liking her when she invited herself into the peace council and was disrespectful to the Greybeards. For some reason, I was highly offended by that.

I missed it at first because initially I just flew in, spoke to the Greybeard guy and sat at the table for the meeting. I didn't stop to listen to the conversation between them. Luckily the meeting was so complicated for me I had to keep doing it over and over again to decide what to do because I didn't know whose side I liked. I actually believed the side for the Storm troopers was for the Blades. I didn't understand that the Blades were there separately from the Storm Trooper dudes. It helps to pay attention and be patient in the game, I've learned and I speak for myself. I'm not preaching to anyone.

But after seeing how she spoke to the Greybeards disrespectfully in their own domain and basically taking credit for starting me on the path of fighting dragons..that's not how I remembered it...I realized she was someone who I'd have to watch my back with.

Esbern doesn't bother me much. He seems really passionate about wanting this dragon problem to be done and away with and I love just listening to him jabbering away about it. He's very knowledgeable in that way so that's one of the reasons why it makes me second guess not killing Paarthurnax. Esbern really seems to know what he's talking about with the history of the dragons and he urges me to kill him. I worry I'm going to regret not killing him because he'll turn on me later on. And Delphine is right when she says it seems the Greybeards are afraid of power. Through the course of the main quest...I wondered, why weren't they out there helping with the dragons but they seem content to let things play out as they need to according to the bigger picture where it's not just in the interest of mankind or something. At least that's the impression I got.


But I loved it when Paarthurnax said that the ending of this world could be the birthing of a new one and how did I feel about stopping the birthing of a new world. Of course I basically said I didn't give a crap about the new world, I cared more about the one I was living in but it was very philosophical for him to say that and it made me think. Not for long, but it was a short meditative insightfulness I enjoyed.



stormtroopers lol.


I actually had a bug during this quest. I would be swinging my sword at him and filling him with arrows and as his health was going down he would just be all like 'whatsup bro' and when he was almost dead he would go into some wierd regeneration state and ten seconds later his health would be full.

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