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Creatures of the Night


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I've taken the liberty to scan over the requests made before my own an found not one person had an issue with vampires having stages. Personally the stages themselves are an annoyance. Especially that feeding LOWERS your stage.


My personal request is a complete removal of stages and the hostility flag as well. Give them all the perks they'd get from each stage as a bundle and simply require them to feed to avoid losing their abilities. I'd outline the penalties but I think in increments of 20% loss per night of not feeding past the 2nd night would be sufficient. Feeding would not kill but NPCs that you feed from you could to decide to turn an whom would then become loyal to you. Negating Quest related NPCs of course.


Like so many requests before me I also agree that we need silver arrows to be implemented and weapons to actual do their job. Not some minor buff to damage, I also feel that werewolves while are impressive should not be limited to a wimpy time limit and one transformation per day. It makes you think when you'll want to transform, when it should be a simple pleasure to transform, tear the opponent to pieces and then carry on your merry way in human form.


I'm aware I've left out detail but I feel that a modder who'd take up this request has the right to decide the penalties and most likely is a reasonable person when deciding on those penalties.

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I agree with your whole post, sounds like a system I would be much happier to play with then the current one for Vampire feeding.


I would also like no need to breathe while swimming for Vampires, as well as no fall damage for both if that's possible.

Edited by Mehcrim
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Agreed. The need to breathe doesn't exactly make sense to me and if anything fall damage should be nearly negated with only a small bit of damage done to the player past a certain drop. Nothing a player would have to worry about unless they jump off a mountain of course.
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