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Plasma Projectile Recolor Issues


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I'm trying to make a cyan version of the plasma pistol projectile, but when I import the models into NifSkope I get an MD5 hash comparison error, and trying to use my edited projectiles crashes my game. The only things I changed were vertex colors and emissive colors, so I suspect it's an issue with the original models. I've also noticed an NiPSysData just sitting around at the "base level" at it were, right alongside the origin NiNode, if it helps.


*EDIT* Eeeerrrrmmm, so I guess using a year-and-a-half to two year old version of NifSkope miiiiiiighta had something to do with it. My bad, didn't even realize there was an update. Woops.

Edited by Pokepika01
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It's alright, I was just using an older version of NifSkope by accident, it's fine now. Although I can't seem to get the plasma trail to change color from green, that's a different issue.

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