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Beth messed up our elves!


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Bethesda is just too damn good at ruining their own lore


How can they ruin their own lore, they created it, they decide what direction it goes in and your personal dislike is never going to change that. And then there are the posters in this topic saying that its a "problem" that needs "fixing". Really, if you see the art direction in Elder Scrolls as a broken part of the games then maybe you should be playing something else.


Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr. George Lucas...


It is possible to wreck something that you've actually created yourself, but I'm not going to take sides on this particular issue because I'm not a TES lore junky. Just making a point of order.


As for the look of the elves, I personally find them revolting. That being said, I simply prefer pretty looking elves. But I do respect others who prefer a more alien like appearance. It's just not for me. I'll be playing humans until a mod comes around to give me the fae elves that I can appreciate.

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I can only hope, Bethesda will never take it serious, this beautifying mania some of you have here ,with the idealised, animeish all-smooth and clean characters..


But then i am someone who would never change morrowind's blocky heads either...Oblivion's characters were ridicoulus in every way possible..They looked like puffed, high-grown kids..

Finally in Skyrim they both look unique and technically advanced. And Dunmers Rock (Y).

Edited by _Atti_
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I can only hope, Bethesda will never take it serious, this beautifying mania some of you have here ,with the idealised, animeish all-smooth and clean characters..


But then i am someone who would never change morrowind's blocky heads either...Oblivion's characters were ridicoulus in every way possible..They looked like puffed, high-grown kids..

Finally in Skyrim they both look unique and technically advanced. And Dunmers Rock (Y).

To each their own, though it amuses me everytime how those who like the skyrim elfs try to bash on those who dont like them...calling them in all sorts of names and coming up with the typical shalow anime response just to prove they are so right...frankly we dont care, this is a healthy discussion and if you dont have to add anything interesting other then trying to make people look ridiculous, becouse you are so entiteled to your opinion, then please just move along.

Edited by pavy
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To each their own,yes.


But then read the topic title, I just reacted- ".messed up our elves?" it's their elves to begin with.

Then i read all the comments about 'fixing' them..So yes, i wrote to make a stand that i don't agree with this at all, and hope that Beth will not ever base their next designs on these kind of 'fixes'. I Do think it's interresting on how modding effects later design choices of developers.


Also when i said 'but then i am someone who...' i think i clearly stated that it's just my opinion and did not make this thread any less healthy.

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I can only hope, Bethesda will never take it serious, this beautifying mania some of you have here ,with the idealised, animeish all-smooth and clean characters..


But then i am someone who would never change morrowind's blocky heads either...Oblivion's characters were ridicoulus in every way possible..They looked like puffed, high-grown kids..

Finally in Skyrim they both look unique and technically advanced. And Dunmers Rock (Y).


Aaaand the record got stuck again. Before trotting out your anime mantra and trolling other people, check your facts and check previous posts. I stated that I do not either read or watch anime, have come across it only in passing and would have no idea what an anime elf looks like.


As someone who knows very well what an ordinary female face looks like (in my mirror every day) I have a major issue with the masculinisation of the features on the Dunmer in particular and have quite clearly stated that. I have often thought similar things when looking at some of the race mods and female game saves for Oblivion as well as for Skyrim - so often the chins and jaws were just WRONG. But at least with Oblivion you had the option to do something about the puffy cheeks and you could still make elves look like elves, I used - still do - the modified HeadHuman mesh from Robert's resource for OB, let's take a look at one of my OB Elves by way of comparison;-




That is actually a Dunmer copy race with a different texture applied. In game she actually looked much more chiselled and had clearly sculpted cheekbones, and I could adjust not only the height but also the degree of concave/convex, same with the jaw and chin. I raised the outer corner of the eyebrows to give a slanting elven eyed look and could do a lot of work on the bridge of the nose to avoid thatflattened, smacked in the face look.


In Skyrim, I do not have that wide range of options.

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I can only hope, Bethesda will never take it serious, this beautifying mania some of you have here ,with the idealised, animeish all-smooth and clean characters..


But then i am someone who would never change morrowind's blocky heads either...Oblivion's characters were ridicoulus in every way possible..They looked like puffed, high-grown kids..

Finally in Skyrim they both look unique and technically advanced. And Dunmers Rock (Y).


So what's wrong if it is animeish or maybe divine looking for elfs? If you prefer the alien looking, why not just create a new species named "alien" or "predator" maybe?

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Heh, everyone latches on the 'anime' word..I also said: Idealized, all-smooth, clean..Really just should have said 'out of picture'..

Here is something: most of Tamriel's environments are harsh..characters should be harsh.

I am not a fan of dark fantasy either, before any strike down..but i like the fine line morrowind and skyrim's characters walk. So sounded my hope that it stays this way in future episodes and not gets shinyfied like they did with Oblivion.

Edited by _Atti_
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'Zombified Romulans' does not make for a very discriptive explination of ones tastes.



Fine fine.... now that I am back from class, I can give you a better explanation since zombified romulan isnt descriptive enough for you.


Before I start though: THIS IS MY OPINION. And mostly applies to the dark elves.


Forehead bone thing that gives them that v-ridge looks ridiculous and has no place on elves.

Their faces are far too gaunt, you cant adjust their shallowness at all.

Bags under the eyes makes them all look really old or half-dead.

Laugh lines on the high and wood elves are too pronounced and again, make them look older.

I dont know if its just the character creator, but the lip shapes are almost all... Deliverance-esque. lol Some of them look ok.

Jawlines on are far too broad and heavy on the girls.

I am for the most part ok with the eye shapes, but the makeup looks terrible.

Finally, dark elf skin colour is too pale for my liking.


We have folk on here using ad hominem (hominid?) attacks against those who dont like the looks with claims of anime watching; like thats a bad thing. If you guys actually watched anime, you would know that your claims are silly since the default elves look more like anime - or to be more exact, Brian Froud's elves, than the modded versions do.


Again, this is all my opinion, I couldnt care less if you dont agree with me, I am not here to change your opinion. ;)



This. Is. Not. A. f***ing. Anime.


How someone mods their game and wants it to look has no bearing on your game. So it shouldn't matter to you or anyone if there are anime-looking mods out there.

Edited by kitsuneshoujo
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I can only hope, Bethesda will never take it serious, this beautifying mania some of you have here ,with the idealised, animeish all-smooth and clean characters..


But then i am someone who would never change morrowind's blocky heads either...Oblivion's characters were ridicoulus in every way possible..They looked like puffed, high-grown kids..

Finally in Skyrim they both look unique and technically advanced. And Dunmers Rock (Y).


Aaaand the record got stuck again. Before trotting out your anime mantra and trolling other people, check your facts and check previous posts. I stated that I do not either read or watch anime, have come across it only in passing and would have no idea what an anime elf looks like.


As someone who knows very well what an ordinary female face looks like (in my mirror every day) I have a major issue with the masculinisation of the features on the Dunmer in particular and have quite clearly stated that. I have often thought similar things when looking at some of the race mods and female game saves for Oblivion as well as for Skyrim - so often the chins and jaws were just WRONG. But at least with Oblivion you had the option to do something about the puffy cheeks and you could still make elves look like elves, I used - still do - the modified HeadHuman mesh from Robert's resource for OB, let's take a look at one of my OB Elves by way of comparison;-




That is actually a Dunmer copy race with a different texture applied. In game she actually looked much more chiselled and had clearly sculpted cheekbones, and I could adjust not only the height but also the degree of concave/convex, same with the jaw and chin. I raised the outer corner of the eyebrows to give a slanting elven eyed look and could do a lot of work on the bridge of the nose to avoid thatflattened, smacked in the face look.


In Skyrim, I do not have that wide range of options.


that looks horrible.... looks like she is ready to enter a beauty pageant and doesnt even look like an elf....

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