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NCR or The Legion


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If you really think about it, the ideals of both the NCR and the Legion have been 2 sides of the same coin for centuries.


The Legion is a Dictatorship/Autocratic leadership, Ceasars idea is to gain complete dominance and peace through submission. he wants to attain Order and Peace Through Subordination and complete Obedience using brutal force.


The NCR is a Democratic/Libertarian Government, Their idea is to have free will, to make everyone equal and have liberty above all else.


Both ideas have pros and cons.


The Legion attains true peace and order,

But at the cost of a loss of liberty.


The NCR Attains Free Will,

But at the cost of a flawed humanity.


Both Sides have good reasons, and neither side is truly right or wrong.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm still relatively early in the game. After arriving at Nipton and seeing the entire town dead, crucified or enslaved by the legion; I can't side with the Legion. Vulpes Inculta told me to go spread word of what the Legion had done, I can't. To do so would be like slinking off with my tail between my legs. I can't ignore it either because my character would inevitably be next (eventually).


Then I told Vulpes the neutral responses and then told him it was wrong and he said I could try to stop him. So I went to where his convoy rounds the corner of a building and all his men were lined up in back of him. I went into VATS used my Grenade Launcher and took him out , and used the Machete on the dogs. Finished the Legion fanatics with the shotgun and the had to limp over to the guy with the repeater to take him out. I couldn't just let him commit atrocities and walk away.


Now to the legion supporters; Yes they may have "Strength and Order", are they correct and right in what they do though?


As for the NCR, they have slavery also. That is what the whole Powder Ganger thing is about. The NCR were using them for construction projects. It's "institutionalized" slavery.


The NCR is away from their home territory in Nevada and they constantly say how they are spread thin on manpower to defend Vegas. The only workable solution then is for the various New Vegas towns to unite for common defense and send out their own trade caravans instead of waiting for traders from the NCR.


This is truly how real Rome started. By defending itself and its allies from Celtic invasion. For most of its history it was illegal for Rome to have a king.

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Neither both are bad/evil/poor choice for the area in thier own ways.


the legion for oblivious reasons ( although i really like the whole roman theme)


the NCR because its similar to governments today and we all know how corrupt and bad they can be.


Independence for Everyone, A Free and Independent New Vegas is the only way to go :thumbsup:

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The legions roman theme was interesting, but as someone who always plays a female character, I'd -NEVER- support the assholes given how they treat women. If anything their vile society just made me want to nuke them off of the face of the earth(which I incidentally always do if my character doesn't have the option to stop the nukes from a certain dlc). NCR isn't all that much better for different reasons, but they are still waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of the legion.


That said my choice is always Mr House. He's cool and actually seems to know what he's doing. Plus the ending where he's tempered by the Courier always struck me as the best ending you can achieve.


Oh and the fact that the legions armor sets only have a male model pissed me off immensely too. :P

Edited by Freya1997
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  • 1 year later...

I feel like the only one in the world right now you realized that Lucius (sorry for the spelling) is the guy who is next in line after Ceasar. you know the guy who teaches you how to punch ppl in his tent... yea he replaces ceasar if he die from the tumor. and it says lanius is loyal only to ceasar not the legion he wont take over.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The NCR isn't perfect, but if the choice is one or the other, there's no comparison. I don't know how some guys in this thread are acting like anything NCR has done with poor planning or bad politics has come close to the atrocities the Legion has committed. The NCR won't even let their soldiers interrogate the enemy, but the legion leaves people hanging on the side of the road.

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