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Can anyone inform me how to advance a quest pleae via console?


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Ok I did STEALING PLANS with Vikhas in Redorans retreat, we then went and killed a Siverhand Leader.

(minor none detailed spoilers) After a funeral, i was to meet the circle in the underforge, before we all run off to a tomb.

However, the conversation in the underforge didn't trigger. So I went up to Aela, and she gave me a quest - Stealing Plans. This time in Trava's Watch, to uncover silver hand leaders plans.

However walking away from her triggered the conversation, and started the quest, Glory to the Dead, which i ran with them to the tomb and did.

NOw my Stealing plans quest is bugged.

However I've been ALL through Travai's watch, killed leader at top. looked in chest and NOTHING. Can't complete it, and Aela won't give me any follow on quests for the Companions.

Even went and cleared Redorans Retreate again in desperation,


I've tried "setstage CR10 1" "setstage CR10 200" etc, and cr 8 through 12. No luck. Also tried setstage CR 12 0" To hopefully manually add the next questline bit, sadly no luck.

Anyone able to help?


Edit Wiki page for reference; http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Stealing_Plans

I even console added the stratagem item to my inventory to no avail.

Edited by neiljwd
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I have exactly the same problem.

The conversation didn't trigger, so I started the other quest and when walking away, they started talking.


Only difference is, that my Stratagem should have been in Fort Fellhammer. I had already cleared Redorans Retreat before I got this quest.

Tried setstage like neiljwd and adding the Stratagem to my invetory per console. I even added the Stratagem to the chest in Redorans Retreat, but it didn't help.

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I have a similar issue with the Jarl in Rift. Got the offer to buy the house, paid for it, went into it, even furnished it, but she won't initiate the dialogue to complete the quest.


Journal tells me to go back and report to her, but that's as far as I can get with it.

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After a week in game, they've started giving me some petty new quests, but not the 2 big ones that are meant to follow.

1 is catch an escaped prisoner in whiterun, had it once fine, 2nd time it appears bugged again, I've run all around the hold (and city) of Whiterun to no avail, he never appears and there's never a marker on my map. Previous time the quest made me walk to find him, as fast travel jumped his location. So bugged again.


And I still have the uncompleteable Stealing Plans quest. :/

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