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Game crash after a few seconds


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mess with any .ini files? or any files at all? sometimes the .ini files get messed up (happened to me a lot of times). If you use SKSE, delete the ones in your "Documents\games\skyrim" and run the launcher to make new default ones, unless you made edits and wish to keep them. If you made your own edits, make note of what they are and let the game make new ones for you anyway by deleting the .inis, and putting your edits back in, then right click skyrimprefs.ini and skyrim.ini and go to properties to set both to 'read-only". this will avoid them being changed by the game itself or by other programs. that alone has saved me much trouble.

if that doesnt work, you can try a program called CCleaner, and check the registry for errors (its simple and you can figure it out easily, nice simple GUI). Fix any and all errors, but save a backup before doing so (it should ask you if you want to save a backup).

if that doesnt work, try the bulk mod test method. disable the last half of your mods and see if it CTDs. if not, reenable them, disable the second half, see if it still CTDs. keep doing this until you narrow it down to a mod conflict, if any at all.

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Did you update any mods to a newer version?

If so, try deactivating those


Certain human errors in editing mods with FO4Edit can result in a broken mod causing CTDs


I also assume youve already tried the obvious things?, like running LOOT and verifying game cache

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