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2 mod requests.


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Ok, the first mod request I thought of was inspired by the Epirus Bow from the film 'Immortals.'


Imagine having to never carry around arrows again, or plod around looking for them. It would be awesome if you didn't have to equip arrows and then a summoned arrow materialises as you pull back the string.

And when it is fully drawn it should be able to kill standard NPC's in one hit. And when it hits something it should hit with the force to knock them down, I'm not talking as hard as unrelenting force but hard enough to throw them a few feet. It should also be slow to fire so not to be too overpowered.


Second mod would be Bear Mounts.


Imagine sitting astride a huge f***king bear, and charging into battle. Would be awesome.


Thanks for reading these pixels I have utilised.

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