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Highlander mod-Need workers


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Need NPC's for Highlander mod 11:07am



I am going to make a Highlander mod, and i need 100 immortals.

Each highlander will give the player some experience in an area or knowledge of more highlanders, or a spell or ability in addition to their equipment.

I can't make the beheading mod work, so i could use ways to simulate it being harder to kill them. I propose a random chance in which they die 50% of the time, then 60% then 70% ETC up to 80%. Suggestions of all kinds will be considered.

For NPC makers, please name the ESP file with:Highlander(name here)(alignment here).esp

Highlander rules & requirements


The highlanders will be posted on this forum or filefront or fileplanet, with the link posted.



Neutral: highlander's faction ( i will add these) has a dispostition mod toward other highlanders of -50 and -100 to evil highlanders. Highlander's PERSONAL (name of highlander+the word faction)works normally. Evil is not checked. May have packages to find and kill the player or other highlanders.


Good: Highlander's faction (i will add them) has a disposition mod towards other highlanders and the player of +20. Personal faction should not be hostile

and evil is not checked.


Evil: Evil may or may not be checked. personal faction looks out solely for thereslef and possibly a few friends. Highlander faction is -100 to all other highlanders. Must have packages to find and kill the player or other highlanders.

Race: Any, but no golden saints or dark seducers or sheogorath. Goblins are OK and so are vampires. Lycanthropes are OK too. Custom races are fine, but if the mod is existing make sure you provide a link to it. Making your own race is wonderful, but not required.

Weapon: Any, even mod weapons(again provide a link or make it yourself). Weapon should not have an attack over 32.

Spells: Any, script effects are fine too, but nothing uber.\

Level: PC level offsets of up to -3 or +3. Please keep the weapons and spells relative to level.

Abilities: Abilites are good. Nothing to powerful please.

Packages: Please add packages to travel or find and kill the player/other highlanders, unless the highlander is good.

Good highlanders can be CM partners if you want, and it is encouraged.

Dialogue: It is reccomended to add dialogue, even to evil highlanders (Prepare to DIIIIEEE!!!)

Armor: Any, but keep it level-appropriate.

Class: Any, even custom, which is reccomended.

Script: Sure, go ahead.

Essential: NO

Respawn: NO

The NPC could do with some kind of home, but it is not needed because that would be a lot of work.

The NPC MAY however, have a dungeon that the player must go through to kill him.

Aliances of highlanders would be cool too.

I will take these highlanders and combine them into the mod. Suggestions welcome. If you submit a highlander, you will be given credit in the planetelderscrolls page for it.

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