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Jail Overhaul Request


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The biggest crime in Skyrim is Bethesda putting a torture rack model in the game as decoration and not as a working item!


I mean, they give us 1) NPCs who betray us and/or annoy us 2) a way of knocking enemies down but not always killing them 3) a bound prisoner/escort animation 4) a private torture chamber 5) a torture rack model 6) tons of screams and shouts in the audio files...but they just didn't think to join the dots...

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Perhaps during your time in jail, the timescale of the game is sped right up so a 3 month sentence could be served out in an hour or two, this would also add a certain sense of urgency to either escape before hand or complete the miniquests which could perhaps reap serious rewards in terms of thief caches, treasure chests etc locations outside of jail. I dont think being in jail should be easy, i think it should be a fast paced race to gain as much information, etc about the outside so much so that if you take it slowly, you miss the opportunity.


Just my 'imho' :sweat:

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It bugs me too, having bought a torture room for a load of gold and you simply cant use it, guess thats the real torture with it. :dry:


But im sure when the CK is out, sooner or later someone.. lets say creative, will do something about that.


For my share, i'd really like to have those things usable.

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