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Aussie84D - BANNED

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Aussie84D banned.

Total disrespect for mod author ownership and control rights.



So where is he? is he coming back or is he just going to cry about someone uploading his stuff to bethnet? If he doesn't show back up, Ill upload the mod here with my own tweaks.



Aussie84D, on 22 Jul 2016 - 12:38 AM, said:

Hey listen, the dude is MIA. I know I know that goes against everything moders believe in. But you know what, we use Bethesdas resources for free in order to do what we do. If i use his resources to make my own (while still crediting him Because that mod is just fantastic) I will.



Aussie84D, on 22 Jul 2016 - 01:04 AM, said:

Uhmm ok here we go again. Soooooo as a mater of fact, we ALL use Bethesda Assets, we use original Bethesda game files and scripts due to the fact they made it open source in order to Mod (Modify) the original Game. Yes his meshes, 3D models and textures are original (seem to be anyway) and he did an amazing job on them. I cannot stress this enough I believe he made one hell of a model. HOWEVER, Also from a legal stand point, there are no copyright or bylaws representing mods and their creators. Hence the reason why it is all OPEN SOURCE. if you as a mod developer have an issue with someone "Stealing your s#*!" you are in the wrong field. Or maybe you should have joined a big name company in order to copyright and protect your creations, if in fact they are 100% original.

So having said that unless you (as a mod developer) have found a way to copyright your work; your "WORK" is free game the second it hits the web. WE as modders have a code to make sure that the work of others is properly credited and as a courtesy ask for permission to use said work.

You guys need to get down from your high horse.

Giving credit does not equal permission. It's about time people remembered that. Bethesda already has a documented statement that mods belong to their creators.


You threaten to steal someone's content then you have no place here, we do not tolerate thieves..

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