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The Skyrim Vampire


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The Skyrim Vampire


Hello fellow gamers,

Is anyone else disappointed with the perks of becoming a Vampire? For that matter is anyone else disappointed with the entire composition design of the Skyrim Vampire?

If your answer was yes and you are a dedicated Modder then please keep reading.



A complete reworking of the Vampire class in Skyrim.


Introduction to Concepts:

The current leveling of the vampire and the availability of the vampire’s skills is based on a 4 level tree. This mod will be intended to completely rework that layout.


Please keep in mind that this conceptual design is in no way intended to create an overpowered class but rather to create a more entertaining class with equally balanced difficulties currently available. The game must remain challenging. The following is just a start.




1. Abilities are gained via the skills tree.

• Abilities will no longer be determined by the 4 level vampire tree but by the points spent as the player levels while the player is a vampire. The longer the player has leveled as a Vampire the more skills the player will be able to acquire with skill points gained from leveling.


2. Ability strength is determined by time of last feeding.

• Abilities will be more potent when the player has recently fed and will begin to scale down in potency over the time from the last feeding.

• This could be perhaps worked as a buff much like “Well Rested.” But instead be called, “Recently Fed.”


3. Abilities will use a new meter called the Blood Meter.

• The Blood Meter will be filled by feeding.

• Abilities will cost a certain amount of points that will be deducted from the Blood Meter.

• The amount of Blood in the Blood Meter will also affect the potency of the players Vampire abilities. The more Blood in the Meter, the more powerful the effect of the Vampire’s skills.


4. Brand new abilities. Here is a list of some skills that would be in the skill trees. This area is definitely open for suggestions.

• Bat Form – Player turns into a bat which moves at a about the same speed as a horse. The player will have limited vision while in bat form but will have a screech ability that will improve sight much like the current Night Vision ability does. As I do not know if flight is possible, the bat could just fly close to the ground.

• Bite – The player can bite people that are not asleep and feed on them. If the player were to do this and be seen, other players would become hostile. The person that gets bitten naturally will become hostile. (Biting will only affect Bounty if the player is witnessed by other npcs.)

• Bite (Npc is Non Hostile) - The player can bite the Npc while in front or behind them. This will cause the Npc to become unconscious for 2 hours once feeding has completed due to a loss of blood. If the Npc was bitten from in front the Npc will be hostile to the player when the Npc wakes up. If the Npc was bitten from behind while the player was in sneaking mode then the Npc will not be hostile when the Npc wakes up.

• Bite (Npc is Hostile) - The player can bite the hostile Npc only from behind and then use the Npc's body as a shield to block enemy attacks while feeding.

• Face Throw – The player grabs ahold of the enemy by the face with one arm picks them up slightly off the ground and then throws them across the room.

• Super Speed (Time Slow) – This would be much like the Time Slow shout. I can’t believe that Time Slow was not originally Vampire ability and made into a Shout.

• Jumping Height Increase – This could be scalable via skill points.

• Unarmed combat damage increase with blood spatter effect - The player can use their vampire claws to shred the opponent. (Idea: Silva95.)

• Combat enrage - The players lust for blood increases their weapon damage by a predefined amount for a limited time. (Idea: Silva95.)

• Combat speed increase - The player moves at a supernatural speed during combat for a limited time. (Idea: Silva95.)

• Resistance to sunlight - This would be a point increasing talent in the skills menu. The more points you spend on this talent the lesser the amount of consequences are recieved from being in sunlight. Clear up to becoming a Daywalker like the movie Blade. (Idea: Silva95)

• Blood storing - This would work much like Soul Stealing, when the player kills an NPC with this buff active the player will fill a bottle with some of the victims blood. (Idea: Silva95)

• Much more abilities can be added over time via suggestions. However do note that all abilities will be determined by points being spent in the skills tree for the Vampire class.



5. Players aging look is based on the length of time from last feeding.

• If the player has recently fed then the player will appear normal with the exception of the standard vampire eyes.

• The longer it has been since the players last feeding, the more grotesque the player will appear.

• This should be time based as opposed to being determined by the amount of blood in the Blood Meter. For obvious realism and performance reasons. (If you go run around the block, you don’t instantly look like your starving when you’re done.)


6. Companions can be used for feeding.

• The player will have an option to feed on their companion.

• The companion will grow more grotesque in appearance depending on how many times the player has fed on the companion. This will have a cap that will eventually lead to the companion becoming a ghoul that can no longer be fed upon.

• If the companion becomes a ghoul the companion will cause Npc's to become hostile towards the companion.


7. Occassionally a Vampire Hunter will come looking for the player if the player feeds on enough Npcs.

• Various Vampire Hunters will attempt to kill the player using abilities like Fire, Wooden Stakes, etc.


8. A feeding meter that shows how much blood is in the victim. (This concept courtesy of Silva95.)

• When the player feeds, whether in combat or out of combat, on an NPC a meter will appear on the screen showing how much blood has been removed from the victim.

• Essentially the blood being drank will have an equal conversion to the NPC's available hit points.

• The NPC can be drank dry, killing it. However the NPC will not die and must pass the in game death check. (This is already in the game, some NPC's can not be killed as they are game essential.)



- Ok turning others into vampires would be epic. Maybe have them follow you around on hunts and battles and leave them outside in a 20 metre radius when coming by any major city. Something like multiple companions, overpowering as it maybe it would be a hell of a lot of fun, say maybe against a werewolf clan ? #justsaying. Back to turning other people into vampires. NPCs or any humanoid you come across maybe like once they are dead . It all depends on the way people see it. A cleared fort that you could revamp into a Vampire lair and a base of operations for your own clan. NPC vampires that you could get the option to reason with, kill or can I join your clan? or join my clan? . Like maybe seeing them in groups sprinting across plains and ganking the s*** out of giants.


This quote was taken from a post made by Silva95. This is a complex idea involving the creation of additional quests and game modes. I am placing this quote here for further thought and may look further into the idea in the future.



This is an ongoing conceptual design project. If you are a Modder/programmer and wish to get involved with this project please respond to this post.


It is my intent that this conceptual design be created and available for use by the Skyrim gaming community. I am interested in furthering the conceptual design of this mod through suggestions provided by myself, Modder’s, and the community. Any individuals that provide suggestions which further the development of this conceptual design will be noted when/if this mod is created.


Thank you for your time and please do respond to this post whether your response is in favor or against any ideas. I am looking for positive and negative feedbacks, as well as any ideas for abilities, play styles, etc. that will make the Vampire class more entertaining while keeping it from being overpowered.


Current Conceptual Designer: Nightasy

Community Conceptual Design Submissions: Silva95

Edited by Nightasy
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Hey, just wanted to say I was just thinking this morning of how I would change the vampires in Skyrim, and this is almost exactly what I had. :) Sounds awesome!


What do you think about these ideas--

- "Entrance" vampire ability. It would have a short(ish) range that you could improve with a leveled perk (one of those perks you can get multiple times). Basically, you cast it on an NPC, and if they are low-level enough they instantly become a zombie that does nothing but walk slowly towards you. I think it would be best as one of those abilities where you have to hold down the key (and it would therefore probably constantly drain your blood pool), and you'd only be able to entrance one person at a time. If someone else sees you while this power is active, they become hostile (or add a bounty or whatever). Maybe the perk would increase both range and the level of NPC you can entrance, up to like level 15 or something (so you can't entrance bosses or dragons or strong-willed people like Jarls). It also wouldn't affect other undead. I think this would also be a nice counterpoint to the werewolf roar that makes everyone run away (and is super overpowered in my opinion).

- Vampires heal as they feed. Not only is it directly in line with vampire mythology, but the werewolves do it and I really like it, because you get this mechanic of running from victim to victim, feeding as you go. Along with this, if you sustain too much damage in a single hit while you are feeding, it interrupts the process and you must attempt the feed again.

- A perk in the skill tree that gives the vampire a saliva-based toxin or something that causes their victims to forget they've been fed upon. I think perhaps it should paralyze them ("put them to sleep") or something after you finish so it doesn't have the surreal moment of, you feed and then they go "Huh?" and walk away like nothing happened. This is simply to keep the bodycount down while still allowing me to stalk people in towns (and it'd be cool to stalk quest-required people without causing them to go hostile, and feed on random NPCs without worrying about whether or not I'm ruining my chances for some side quest). Obviously if someone sees you feeding they would still open fire. Another thing that might help balance this is that if the NPC sees you when you start feeding, it adds a small bounty to the town (the idea being that they know they've been attacked and vaguely what you look like but can't remember exactly what you did to them).

- I love the idea of feeding as essentially a sneak attack, but what do you think about also making it a skill-based thing (so if you are strong enough you can just overpower someone even from the front and feed on them). It might be a bit odd to chase a peasant down a dark alley and then not be able to feed on them simply because they happen to be looking at you. Since Skryim doesn't really have a concept of strength or grappling in general, perhaps it could be based on your one-handed attack skill. There could also be a perk in the skill tree that improves the odds of success in case you want to do it but don't want to level one-handed weapons.

- I would love it, love it if someone could figure out a way to make sunlight kill you without making the game unplayable (I'm looking at you, Oblivion). Maybe you could make the amount of damage an install option, with leaving it the way it is being the default. I think the first step would be to force fast travel to always, always deposit you at night (no idea how feasible that is). Also, and again I have no idea how feasible it is, but it'd be awesome if you could figure out a way to make only direct sunlight kill vampires, so that if you are doing a quest that requires you to speak to NPCs during the day you can dart from shadow to shadow. This would also make your "Daywalker" perk even more useful than it already is with the vanilla Skyrim vampire abilities.

- Giving vampires underwater breathing a la Argonians? They are dead. They don't breathe. It's incredibly weird to me to drown as a vampire. Vampires could still sustain damage from the airborne traps in Dwemer ruins (just say the traps are acidic or something).


Anyway, I don't have a huge amount of experience modding (just a class or two back in school) but I do have a good bit of experience with general scripting in Python and writing compiled plugins in C++ at work (I think I read somewhere that Skyrim scripting is loosely similar to Java/C++?), and wouldn't mind learning how to help out a bit if I have time whenever you get started. I'm also an FX animator by trade (though I do mostly scripting/programming nowadays), so maybe I could do a bit of particle work. Not sure how much control the editors typically give you over that sort of thing.

Edited by shinyary2
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  • 2 months later...
I'd like to help, I don't have any programming or mod creating talents, but I have access to a professional recording studio. I can help with sound effects and voice overs. I have vocal effect processors (for that dark ominous vampiric tone) and a ton of experience recording. Let me know if I can help out, I like your idea.
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This sounds amazing, i wish you luck with it because becoming a vampire sounded so cool but once you do...well it plain sucks in vanilla with all these features it would be as cool as it should be

also i am not sure if this was mentioned already but it would be cool to be hurt by the sun and after being a vampire for a long period of gameplay you should become stronger and faster.

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