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Clothes retexture not visible on player/npcs

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Hello. I don't speak English natively so sorry if you can't understand something. I'm trying to make new clothing with retexture of vanilla Miner Clothes. I extracted minerclothes.dds and minerclothesf.dds from .bsa archive, made changes to the texture in GIMP and put them with changed names in Skyrim/Data/Textures/(Mod name) folder. I opened CK, loaded only Skyrim.esm and Update.esm, duplicated Miner Clothes object, changed ID, name, clicked on Edit, next to the path to .nif model, and then changed textures to mine. I went into the game and changes are visible in inventory, but not on characters. I also retextured other clothes before with this video -

. It always worked, but now it's the same story. Changes are only visible in inventory. Anyone know what might be going on here? Maybe I'm missing something?
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Did you change the path to the Armor Addons (AA) models, at the bottom of the form, also? Changing the world model would only change your inventory view, but you have to address the AAs the same way, to affect the worn view. Click "show all" next to 'models' to see any/all AAs associated, but I believe miner's clothes only have one.

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