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Game Breaking Bug - No Quest Items Appearing in any Containers


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Hello friendly gamer community! I would love some help with this HUGE GAME BREAKING BUG


At some point during the last 66 hours of play something happened that stopped EVERY quest item from appearing in containers. If the quest has me fetching any item that is in a chest, in an npc's inventory or any other container it WILL NOT BE THERE


Needless to say, I cannot complete most of the quests now, or the main storyline.


Is there anything I can do? Are there any console commands I can type in to reset all quest items?

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I've spent a few days searching the interwebs and I'm not the only one to get this but it is very rare. A few ps3 and 360 users have had this happen to them.


I'm playing the pc-steam version - i7, 6gb ram, geforce 285.


This bug was not there from the start of the game. I played about 50 hours before noticing that I couldn't complete a quest. The problems all started (i think) when I did the "No one leaves Cidhna mine" quest. Upon exiting the mine, I go out into Markath with the Forsworn, but the Forsworn are all just standing there, repeating the last bit of dialogue. The guards in Markath are not attacking me when I think they should be. As I know this quest is bugged I just went and did other stuff, but that's when I noticed quest items wouldn't appear in containers.


So far I have failed these missions:

In "Find Hrolfdir's Shield for Igmund" - the shield was not in the chest.

In "Pieces of the past", one piece of Mehrunes razor was not in the chest, another was not on the hagravens corpse, the third was on a table and i could pick it up.

In "Blessings of nature" the bow was not on the Hagravens corpse


After this mornings update it is still all the same - no quest items

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For anyone experiencing the same problem, I have just fluked upon a solution


After the update, I still couldn't find quest items - then went to Markath, and the Forsworn were still there, not moving.


I got frustrated so decided to do the "Hard Answers" quest. I snuck into the museum in Markath and listened as the two guards chatted about something when suddenly I see


"No One Escapes Cidhna Mine Completed" pop up on the screen






But who the hell cares. I went and checked the quests and the items all magically appeared.


So it seems the Forsworn conspiracy / No one escapes Cidhna Mine quests was the problem.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 years later...

I have the same problem, but I can trace it back to getting arrested in Markarth and wanting all of my stolen things back so I console'd my way out. I've already completed the entire Thieve's Guild, but I can try going back into Understone Keep and seeing if that helps anything.



After much asspain, managed to complete "The Forsworn Conspiracy" and "No One Escapes From Cidhna Mine" through console codes (because I couldn't get quest items, mind you). Worked like a charm, quest items now show up where they should be.

Edited by TheRoseElephant
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  • 7 months later...

I had the same problem. Got arrested in Markarth, got annoyed by the lack of being able to escape and TCL'd my way out and killed all the guards (to roleplay of course). No quest items in any containers at all. I read this, went back into Markarth's jail, slept to serve my sentence, and wouldn't you know it? Fixed. Quest items are spawning again. It probably has something to do with the game still thinking you're in prison so it doesn't spawn the items or something like that. I'm not a skilled script/code person. Not sure if it's just Markarth or every jail, and I'm not really willing to test that out. Hope this helps somebody.

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