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Lost Structures (again) Snap n' Build


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Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Second time I uninstalled SnB (followed instructions to the letter) and structures tab disappeared. W/O structures, my DLC's, Wasteland Workshop, and Contraptions don't work. Not to mention all the lost hours of playtime. I downloaded his "fix" on NMM which did nothing (and he had the balls to ask for a donation before the download). Reinstalled the entire game but only saves before the SnB install have Structures. To say I'm upset is putting it mildly. I Googled "Missing Structures Tab" and surprise, SnB is mentioned over and over as the cause. Nexus should delete this until they find a fix.

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there is a lot listed for downloads there on the page.


A real mix and match set of files. No all in one thing + script extender data too.


send me a saved game you want to keep and I'll try and see if I can repair it.


Snb? I'll install it too and see what it does but I need your saved game to test it without Ske.

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