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Is it even worth using the Nexus Mod Manager yet...?


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I have tried it over 10 times to enable the Jump Higher mod and when I launch Skyrim's Launcher from the Mod Manager and load my game, IT NEVER WORKS! I've tried both Jump mods, and I see them in the launcher AND I enable them but it doesn't DO anything. I modded the s*** out of Oblivion so I know what I'm doing... but then again.. I dunno. Someone please help me, this is seriously irritating.


Thanks in Advance.


If you've installed a mod with NMM and it doesnt work it may be becuase the modder did not set up the files properly. When you install a mod you should check inside your skyrim data folder to see if anything has acutally been added. I.E. texture files inside the texture folder for example. If you dont see that any files have been added to any of your subdirectorys that means files were prob not setup properly.


For example take KenMOD-Lockpick Pro-Cheat. In his first download version when you opened up the packet there was no folder at all, just the files only. It looked like this:








This casued NMM to only put the "lockpickingmenu.swf" file into your data folder instead of into the interface folder as stated in the readme.


For the mod to be installed properly with an automatic NMM install, the packet should have been setup with an "Interface" folder with the "lockpickingmenu.swf" file inside of it.


So unfortuneately unitll there is some type of verificaiton process for mods on the nexus site you will have to check the files to make sure they are setup correctly if they do not install properly.


This is what prompted me to post this topic: Hopefully NMM Compatibility


It kind of defeats the purpose of having the NMM autoinstall feature if the files are not going to be setup proplerly and you have to manually correct it most of the time. However just the mod managing feature of the NMM is well worth having since it makes removing and reinstalling mods a breeze without you having to go in an manually locate and delete every single file associated with a mod. When you have a crap load of mods isntalled, that could get confusing and messy really fast.

Edited by Talonvore
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