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Fire Rune Bug.


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Ok so this is messed up. after learning Fire Rune the other day, i was casting it about. well my dumb back side cast the spell in Dragon Reach.

now the spell is stuck there. Whats the problem is if i goto Dragonreach at the right time for an NPC to pat over it then it explodes and i get a bounty and a city full of guards coming for me.

this happened a few days ago and its been quite some time game wise since i used it and i have slaughtered and cast the spell many places. the actual spell image is gone but the effects are lingering.

is there something i can do to fix this? i have progressed to far to just remake my character and overwrite the saves.


Please help


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So i decided to console this up. i setup and waited for a guard to pass by and trigger the trap.

after locating the bounty command. so he steps on it and i engage the Console. i found the Faction ID and when i input the command from the Skyrim Wiki, player.setcrimegold XXX [faction ID]

well i entered 0 for the XXX and the proper faction ID. well it just tells me that my Whiterun bounty is set to 40. i tried inputing 20 and it tells me my bounty is 60. i inputted -20 and it went back to 40. when i try -40 it tells me my bounty is set to 40. WTF? does anyone know what i can do?

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So i guess no one knows what to do?

this is getting irritating.

i even tried just letting them hit the thing and i stood there.

the Help section in the menu options states that if i run they follow they are supposed to come up and make me pay. but its like they are Auto'd to Resisting...

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Thank you! I was running into the same problem, and I forgot I laid down a rune down in Dragon's Reach when I first purchased them. Even though I left for hours and did various other quests in other cities, when an NPC would walk over it in Dragon's Reach it would hit them and everyone would go bananas and attack me. I had no idea why, but I was able to fix it because you made me realize it was the rune I placed before!


The way I fixed it was simple and I hope it works for you, I just used the corresponding rune high up on the wall (where the moose head is by the entrance) I don't think it matters where you put it, but as long as it's somewhere an NPC can't trigger it, it ought to work!


Good luck.

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