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What features do you want in the next game?


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This is what I think would be cool:


at least 90% of all the artifacts in the world should be scripted rewards for a quest.


and remove the quicksave-option so you can only save in certain places like, in inns.

when/if you get killed, you are transported back to your last save, but then you loose certain armors/weapons, excluding the artifacts/enchanted items you may have.


I think this game is too typically rpg like game !

You should be more able to jump and run and climb up from water(which can't be done(which I hate)) like in certain 3d-shooter action games like Unreal Tournament

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It is not considered necromancy to add to any thread a relevant point that has not been made before. Even if the thread has been inactive for quite a while you may post interesting and informative new material. However note the words relevant, interesting, informative and not said before. I would not call it necromancy to post to the Morrowind wish list thread (which IIRC is still current) if the additions you suggest are not on it.


Necromancy is returning to an old thread to say what has already been said or to agree that the same thing happened to you or to hijack it.


Please add further posts to Morrowind Wish list!

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