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Various 'Improvement' Ideas


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Well, this will be my first ever independent post, but I feel there are a few minor tweaks that could be implemented that would surely improve the feel of the game a bit. Please excuse me if this is done incorrectly.


1 : Sheathing Staff - Now I'm not a magic, however, I have toyed around with such things like the Wabbajack. One thing that I noticed is that when you 'sheath' equipment such as staffs they simply vanish. Having them be placed on your back would be a nice touch.


2 : Sheathing Shield - A similar request as the staff sheathing. Having it able to be placed on your back would be glorious.


3 : Charging - Being able to charge in game and include an attack/shield bash would be fantastic. Say you have your shield up and then take off charging at the enemy. Knocking them backwards or over, or being able to bash/attack while running would be magnificent.


4 : Dyes/Stains - Dyes and Stains for armor would be nice. Say, the Dragon Bone Armor. It's nice as it is, however, the color doesn't tend to match the helmet. While you cannot dye bone, you can stain bone. Same goes for metals. Being able to give it a hue and not a vibrant color would be nice. Clothes should be able to be died any color you like.


5 : Weapon/Armor Durability and Wear - You get a brand new piece of shiny armor. You go out, fight for days, almost die several times, look at it - perfect condition. Being able to include armor/weapon wear would be nice. You go out, beat people with your mace for a while, and over time it declines in durability and looks more and more damaged - kind of like how Fallout functions.


6 : Flame Arrows - I haven't found this in game yet, so I may as well toss it out there. Having the ability to set your arrows aflame to deliver flaming arrow assaults would be nice.


7 : Shadowmere - He's supposed to look intimidating and dark, so let's make him look that way. Think of a Daedric horse. ;P

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