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Pickpocketing. Why would a Dragonborn even bother?


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I am thinking about modding the game in multiple ways and splitting each mod into components that the user can enable or disable independently of the others. The most flavor / role play focused module I am thinking of is one that just removes Pickpocketing from the game entirely.


Think about how absurd it is for you to be able to remove equipped items from npcs without them noticing their sword belt is now missing along with their sword.


Think about how absurd it is for that skill to exist as an option for your main character. You are a Dragonborn.


Think about how a truly evil / immoral person with godlike powers would just kill someone who had a shiny object they desired to possess (or because they thought it was just fun to murder people).


Think about how insanely rich you can become just by abusing crafting and enchanting, even if you were evil, if you were smart you would still just make money the fastest way possible.


The only time I could justify the existence of this skill in this setting for Skyrim's main character, is if you were role playing a Dragonborn kleptomaniac, and if so you would have the option to disable this mod.

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How absurd it is for Bethesda to offer an option to the player.


You are a fully grown adult by the time Skyrim begins, you weren't born knowing you were dragonborn. Maybe you had a hard life, had to take to the streets to survive before coming to Skyrim. Further, there is no code of ethics, no book of laws, for a dragonborn.


Maybe you aren't a completely evil/immoral person, shades of grey. Killing someone is far and away from pickpocketing someone.



But hey, it's your choice to use/create a mod for whatever you like. Even if the reasoning for it is rather lacking.

Edited by ancientRED
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I would imagine theres a few theives guild quests where you need to pickpocket someone important and not some random person.


If he's having a coronary over pickpocketing, I doubt he's going anywhere near the Theives Guild quests.

Edited by FoolyFooly
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It just seems so below the status of a godchild to do stuff like that, and even if you used to in your "past life" that doesn't matter at all once the game begins, you immediately go slay a dragon that was wrecking an entire fort and establish yourself as a superhumanoid while eating the soul of said dragon. I would disable blacksmithing and herb gathering / alchemy as well, what the f*** kind of godchild collects cave mushrooms?


Bethesda has already thrust you into the role of the Most Important Person in Skyrim, and it just doesn't make any sense to be wasting your time doing things a common criminal or peasant would be doing to stay alive once you know the entire world is counting on you to continue existing.

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Ancientred made a good huge point...


Your grown and adult. you tried to cross boarders but got unlucky.

your life was not lived as a graybeard but somewhat normal person.

Becoming dragonborn does not make you a good guy. its your morals and ethics that define you :)

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I choose to use my Dragonborn powers to shout shopkeepers out windows and then loot their stores.


I'm more terrified of the prospect that prophecy would ordain a random man someday would have dragonblood and the ability to yell angrily until people burst into flames. What if an evil man gets those powers? What if a thief gets them? What if an assassin? Skyrim brings up these issues for a reason =P

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Why would a dragonborn bother? Ok... good dragonborn: You have to accomplish a goal. Say you need to get into a place, nab the ancient artifact of gloom and doom, and get out. In order to get in and out you need a key. You could kill the guards who are just doing their jobs, who may well not be evil at all but just don't know any better, or you could snag it from a pocket and not kill the innocent.


Evil dragonborn: No man, even the hero of this story, is an army. We need food, places to hole up and be safe at times, storage, etc. If you can acquire what you want without killing people you can still live in society and have those advantages.


Your pickpocket gripe: I half agree. I think sneaking up on someone letting you take their weapon from their belt or disarm them and steal it real quick makes perfect sense. BUT you should be auto-detected at that point. Armor? Just no. That's silly stuff.

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I believe your problem here is that you wished that the game catered to exactly how you like to play.


It doesn't. And you can mod it if you like, but this is a silly complaint.


Apart from that, there is little I can say that isn't repeating what everybody else here said, so I will leave this as my opinion.

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