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Moving dual wield power attack


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Topic. Can't swing left weapon until you recover from right hand attack and vice versa. So the only real advantages I can see for two weapons is having different enchantments and a dual power attack(which fails because it glues your feet to the ground). And all at the cost of no blocking...which would be fine if the character actually MOVED whilst using both weapons. Standing still just because of attacking with two weapons is as ridiculous as you can get. Jedi Academy style would be awesome(moving while swinging both blades).


Should be able to do something like a moving whirlwind(eg. run and spin jump forward) move and hit everything around you. Even w/o jumping a moving whirlwind should have been the first thing that came to the developers' minds when they said "dual wield". I figured that was pretty much a staple for everything that has dual melee weapons by now. :/ Not saying that an extravegant move is called for but just moving at all while using BOTH weapons at the same time should have been included. Is it just me or is flat-footed dual attacking an inane idea? I don't mean it to sound like a rant. lol I just hate dual wielding experiences being ruined by horrible execution. It would be great if someone is able to fix this with a combat mod if it is even possible.


Sorry if someone mentioned this already.

Edited by fujikazu
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