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Mod Idea


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I was just browsing and realised I couldn't find this certain mod. I was thinking if there is (please tell me) or not a mod where it changes the hold and city guards from their boring armour set into like a crusader or knights Templar sort of armour.You know since they are guards of a city or town in a medieval world it would be fitting for them to wear like medieval armour like Templar's or crusaders. Anyone agree?

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After searching through Nexus i cant find a mod (most likly it hasn't been made). A mod that allows NPCs the ability to upgrade thier weapons, shields and staff from fallen enemies.


As later in the game when ebony items are in just about everything you look at and a NPC that is around but not a follower comes to look at the dead body and snobbs off a daedric sword for thier iron or steel.


Sort of like a Hunter that gets in and helps with a fight with no reward. Even if the NPC starts a dialog with "They had this on them, do you want it or can I keep it?" with the item in question being the item the NPC wants.

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