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Proper Norse Naming


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Given that Skyrim isn't actually Scandinavia but is a Nord region of Tamriel, I don't think it is unreasonable to have male names on females, or even the other way round. As one of the creators of the game said 'The nord men are big, burly with beards...the nord women are big, butly with beards'. It's not like the women of Skyrim are blonde and leggy like the women of Scandinavia, so I really don't see a big issue with it. It's part of the charm that the women are manly.


We do it with English names all the time. Cameron is a man's name, but Cameron Diaz looks reasonably feminine. Ashley is a man's name and there are plenty of girls around called Ashley too. I think it is simply them using some poetic license and playing on how manly the nords of Skyrim are.


Would you still say that if it were all english names? like some guy is called Jennifer and a women is called Kevin?

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