HalloweenWeed Posted July 23, 2016 Share Posted July 23, 2016 I've been having this strange issue with Skyrim showing the wrong day of the month, making it impossible to determine the real day of the month, and thus how many days have expired - important to determine whether or not it's been 30d and cells should respawn things. I do have the mod: "A Matter of Time" installed. It has been giving me numbers larger than 31 for day of the month. Just now, I had 104th of Frostfall and then the next day is 84th of Sun's Dusk! Year 4E 203. Not only that, but the date on the map page agrees with the mod date shown. Here's my mod list, as shown by the output of ModOrganizer: mod_id,mod_installed_name,mod_version,file_installed_name 0,"A Lot of Dual Sheath Redux Patches","","E:/Downloads/The_Elder_Scrolls/Skyrim/Dual Sheath Redux/ALODSRP 1.6-64647-1-6.7z" 44091,"A Matter of Time - A HUD clock widget","","AMatterOfTime_v2_0_7-44091-2-0-7.7z" 24909,"aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Armors","","E:/Downloads/The_Elder_Scrolls/Skyrim/Book of silence/aMidianBorn book of silence_ARMORS-24909-1-9.7z" 24909,"aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Creatures","","E:/Downloads/The_Elder_Scrolls/Skyrim/Book of silence/aMidianBorn book of silence_Creatures-24909-1-9.7z" 24909,"aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Dragonborn DLC","","E:/Downloads/The_Elder_Scrolls/Skyrim/Book of silence/aMidianBorn book of silence_DRAGONBORN DLC-24909-1-9.7z" 24909,"aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Unique Items","","E:/Downloads/The_Elder_Scrolls/Skyrim/Book of silence/aMidianBorn book of silence_UNIQUE ITEMS-24909-1-9.7z" 24909,"aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Weapons","","E:/Downloads/The_Elder_Scrolls/Skyrim/Book of silence/aMidianBorn book of silence_WEAPONS-24909-1-9.7z" 3621,"Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack","","NMM Pack or Manual Install Med Res-3621-1-7.7z" 0,"Better Animal Footsteps","","E:/Downloads/The_Elder_Scrolls/Skyrim/Better Animal Footsteps/Better Animal Footsteps 1.5-24805-1-5.7z" 27371,"Better Dialogue Controls","","Better Dialogue Controls v1_2-27371-1-2.zip" 51339,"Better Falskaar Map With Roads","d2016.5.14","E:/Downloads/The_Elder_Scrolls/Skyrim/Falskaar/Better Falskaar and Wyrmstooth Map With Roads/Better Falskaar Map With Roads-51339-1-1.rar" 0,"Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-","","E:/Downloads/The_Elder_Scrolls/Skyrim/Calientes Beautiful Bodies/Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition v3.4f-2666-3-4f.7z" 18938,"Disable Ranged KillCams","d2016.7.17","E:/Downloads/The_Elder_Scrolls/Skyrim/Disabled Ranged and Magic KillCams/Disable Ranged KillCams-18938-1-1.7z" 8943,"Diverse Guards Skyrim","","Diverse Guards Skyrim 49c Dawnguard-8943-4-9c.7z" 37994,"Falskaar V1 2 1final","d2016.5.13","E:/Downloads/The_Elder_Scrolls/Skyrim/Falskaar/Falskaar V1_2_1final-37994-1-2-1final.7z" 23390,"Guard Dialogue Overhaul","","Guard Dialogue Overhaul-23390-1-4.7z" 35841,"Helgen Reborn","d2016.5.14","E:/Downloads/The_Elder_Scrolls/Skyrim/Helgen Reborn/Helgen Reborn V105_3-35841-105-3.7z" 34950,"Immersive Animations","","Immersive Animations NMM Installer Complete-34950-V2-1.zip" 18395,"Ishs Souls to Perks","","Ishs Souls to Perks-18395-1-1.zip" 58487,"Less Annoying Merchants","d2016.6.12","E:/Downloads/The_Elder_Scrolls/Skyrim/Less Annoying Merchants (brief dialogue)/Less Annoying Merchants v1-58487-1-0.7z" 52397,"Moon and Star","","Moon and Star-52397-1-13.zip" 67927,"Moonpath to Elsweyr - Improved","d2016.5.14","E:/Downloads/The_Elder_Scrolls/Skyrim/Moonpath to Elsweyr/Moonpath to Elsweyr - Improved-67927-1-1.7z" 57725,"Moonpath to Elsweyr - Realistic Room Rental Patch","d2016.5.14","E:/Downloads/The_Elder_Scrolls/Skyrim/Moonpath to Elsweyr/Moonpath to Elsweyr - Realistic Room Rental Patch-57725-1-0.7z" 51556,"Moonpath to Elsweyr - Typo Patch","d2016.5.13","E:/Downloads/The_Elder_Scrolls/Skyrim/Typo Patch - Moonpath to Elsweyr/Moonpath to Elsweyr - Typo Patch-51556-1-1.rar" 9782,"moonpath to Elsweyr 95beta","d2013.6.23","E:/Downloads/The_Elder_Scrolls/Skyrim/Moonpath to Elsweyr/moonpath to Elsweyr 95beta -9782-9-5.rar" 25029,"RealisticRoomRental-Enhanced","","RealisticRoomRental-Enhanced-25029-1-8-3.7z" 601,"Reduced Force (ragdoll)","d2016.7.17","E:/Downloads/The_Elder_Scrolls/Skyrim/Realistic Ragdolls and Force/Reduced Force-601-1-9.rar" 769,"Rich Merchants - 10000","d2016.5.24","E:/Downloads/The_Elder_Scrolls/Skyrim/Rich Merchants/10000/Rich Merchants-769.zip" 23906,"Run For Your Lives","","Run For Your Lives-23906-2-0-6.7z" 32505,"Skyrim Project Optimization","","Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version-32505-1-6.rar" 71465,"Skyrim Unbound","d2016.5.13","E:/Downloads/The_Elder_Scrolls/Skyrim/Skyrim Unbound (Alternate Start)/Skyrim Unbound-71465-5-13.zip" 19447,"Sneak Tools","f1.00","Sneak Tools 1_00-19447-1-00.zip" 8601,"Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons","","Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons Full 1_23-8601-1-23.zip" 8655,"Static Mesh Improvement Mod","","SMIM 1-89-8655-1-89.7z" 70142,"The Notice Board","","The Notice Board-70142-2-2.rar" 15501,"Travellers of Skyrim - Travelers","","Travellers of Skyrim v135-15501-1-35.rar" -1,"Unmanaged: Dawnguard","","" -1,"Unmanaged: Dragonborn","","" -1,"Unmanaged: HearthFires","","" -1,"Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack01","","" -1,"Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack02","","" -1,"Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack03","","" -1,"Unmanaged: quest_seaofghosts","","" -1,"Unmanaged: SkyUI","","" 31255,"Unofficial High Resolution Patch","d2016.5.12","E:/Downloads/The_Elder_Scrolls/Skyrim/Unofficial High Resolution Patch/Unofficial High Resolution Patch-31255-1-2-0.7z" 10012,"Unread Books Glow","d2015.3.28","E:/Downloads/The_Elder_Scrolls/Skyrim/Unread Books Glow/Unread Books Glow v2_2_0-10012-2-2-0.7z" 70656,"Wiseman303's Flora Fixes","","WM Flora Fixes-70656-2-01.7z" 2356,"XCE - Xenius Character Enhancement","","XCE-1_13-2356-1-13.7z" I have all the DLC and all the appropriate unofficial patches installed.I don't see any date/time console commands listed, so I can't query the game for the date.I have googled this issue and nothing comes up, so this looks to be either a new issue or one caused by a mod. However, I have been changing the game "timescale," usually using 1-60 when playing, and 300 or more when fast-traveling, to get to later dates to cause stuff to respawn. I have looked at the respawn mods, and I don't like the way they just respawn everything, including NPCs and animals that normally don't respawn, in 1-3 days, I just want the regular stuff to respawn in the regular time. Can anybody shed any light on this? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SineWaveDrox Posted July 23, 2016 Share Posted July 23, 2016 I've had this happen after setting timescale to high values. Since you say you've done that as well, that is possibly the cause. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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