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Must have werewolf mod


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I think a great idea would be if it was possible to get the werewolf powers back after getting rid of the curse by making the underforge open even after its closed from removing the curse and being able to drink the blood again. I think its surprising that's not already an option. It would have to be able to reactivate the quests that would be removed by losing the curse (i heard you couldn't do certain missions for the companions if you got rid of it). I also think that this should include a fix to make it so you can become a vampire after being a werewolf (or during) although im not sure if thats just a bug in the game anyways). No extra dialogue would be necessary all that would be needed is the ability to get the curse again by drinking the blood (which would require making it so you can go back into the underforge after losing the curse. and the vampire thing would also be kinda cool because for some reason i can swear i saw a post saying from Bethesda you could be both (if not you should at least be able to become one once you lose the curse). I think that this would be a need to have mod but i dont think much more should be done to it to keep it fairly simple (maybe make a way to get more witches heads but nothing ridiculous and it may not be necessary because you can already get like five of them and not many would go back and forth from cursed to uncursed that much). so for your consideration my werewolf mod idea. Edited by omnomnomgoat
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