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Possible to Replace Blood Spray?


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I really don't like the inky black blood spray that indicates you've hit an opponent--it is way too dark compared to the rest of the blood in the game. It's not just the wrong color, it just looks weird and fake, like something from a game in the early 90s. I don't even think it looks nearly as good as the blood sprays in Oblivion, which at least looked like it was spurting out of the enemy you'd hit ... is there a way to replace it with a better, less black texture?


Anyone interested in modding this?


(Before someone points it out, I know there are several good blood mods already available, but they all do the same thing--they either replace the blood spots that spatter the screen when you get hit, or they replace the semi-permanent blood splatters that hit the ground or appear on your enemies.)

Edited by haints
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