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Computer game freak in need!


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I'm posting this because I am in need of a new game to play!

I've run out of ideas of what new game to start and I'm hoping you all could give me some advice.


I've played games from Morrowind to Skyrim. Fallout 3 and NV. WoW to Diablo 2.

My favorites are The Elder Scrolls series, and The Baulders Gate series. I'm very into RPG type games... not so much into shooters.


Even strategy is good. I've played from Age of Empires 1, 2, and 3 to Civilization 4-5.


I'm kind of looking for something that is time consuming, and will hold my attention.


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!

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The Witcher 1/2 are great/enthralling RPG's they have great worlds/mythology too, though you may have played them already.


Gothic 4 is great too. Kinda like 2 worlds only more polished and fun.


You want a game to keep your attention then you have to get Mount&Blade Warband, truly one of the most captivating/enthralling games I have ever played.


As far as liking WoW, you could try RIFT/Age of Conan, I play them both and like them very much.


Shogun 2 for strategy lovers or Total War Empire. Just so much depth-I started to play them after I was done with Civ 5, they are as good quality as the Civ' series but unique in their own right.

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You could give Gothic 2 a try :happy: .



I've heard that was a pretty good game. The graphics looked pretty good. How is the story line?


I have not completed it, but from what I have played of Gothic 2 you better get ready for some real RP (role play) elements. Make sure while playing it you don't try to rush, as there is a steep learning curve before it starts leveling off. Sit down at a bar and have a drink and get into a drunken brawl, help a farmer out, adventure through off trail caves, be a mugger :laugh: . The games length probably greatly contributes to how good one is at getting into a role. The graphics are a pretty dated, but if your into early 2000ish style games like I am than you will see it as a gorgeous polished environment, breathing with adventure, danger and wildlife :happy:. It takes a long time to get into, but its very enjoyable as long as you like a true role play setting. The fact you listed baulders gate gives me good reason to assume you can easily transition into a older game heavy in the rp department :biggrin: . You can pick it up pretty cheap on gog.com (where I purchased it) and hopefully you enjoy it :thumbsup: .


*Warning: Big Edit Ahead!*

A few games I have recently been into recently (besides Skyrim of course :biggrin: ) are:

Minecraft-I just got my server working. Great if you have a few friends in a room to play with.

WoW-I know, its so bad now. All lore has been destroyed, but its just so addicting. (as a joke, Blizzard should have had Deathwing burn all of the night elves Ancients of Lore :laugh: )

The Binding Of Isaac- Amazing indie dungeon crawler RPG.

Dead Island- Not amazing, but a fun borderlands style zombie game.

As for strategy games WC3 is good, and Company of heroes is also a really good one if you like World War era games.


Warcraft 3- Check out Hive workshop for custom maps. If you have a few friends to LAN with you should give a few of the following maps a try:

Founders of the North -Great LOAP map. Life of a peasant is pretty much where you start as a nobody and build up an estate through realistic means, such as farming, mining, hunting, or adventuring.

Jungle Trolls -Good Survival RP map.

Video Game RPG -Very fun :happy: .

TKoK Easter Kingdom -Great LAN ORPG.

Survival -Good survival map with light RPG elements.

DBZ Trubute Ultra -Really addicting action map. Pretty much a level grind, buts its really worth a try.


Hopefully this list will keep you busy for a while. Enjoy!

(Man, did this post ever seem like a lot of work to put together :sweat: )

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You should try Megaman X...Just buy on E-bay super nintendo...I think its about 10 dolars or something it's very cheap cuz its old...And play Megaman X!! It's great game!
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For RPGs, I suggest the Neverwinter Nights series and, even better, Planescape: Torment. I thought Baldur's Gate was epic but frankly, PS:T is one of the best RPGs I've ever played.


Other ones I've liked, in no particular order: Torchlight, Titan Quest, The Witcher series, Thief and probably loads more I can't recall at the moment.

Edited by MrTastix
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