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How to marry Hroki?


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First off. To marry Hroki. Via the console. You need to go find her open up the console click on her. then type in addfac 19809. Then after that use the console again while targetting her and type in Setrelationshiprank 4

Then you can marry her.

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What stinks is once you make her a follower in the same fashion, she runs away from all combat. I'm currently looking for an answer to this issue as for some reason you can't mod an npc's confidence or aggression through the console.


An answer to that issue. Is to use the console command.

and type in

Forceav Confidence 4. She will never run away.

Forceav Morality 0 if you want her to kill whatever. because she wont attack guards or pick locks or do other things that isnt good


If forceav doesnt work use the command setav in its place. Sometimes forceav doesn't want to work. You may also want to buff up her skills as well depending on your type of game play

Like. I used console to make her better with a blade, Better with bow, Better with lightarmor, Better with sneak

Edited by kbailey921
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This is where you can find the actor values. Also. I didn't mention in my message before you have to click on her in the console to force the actor values. I have her following me. and she is just like a regular follower, I haven't ran into any issues as of yet. and I don't think I will run into any issues. Or at least that is my hope. If you have any other questions. either mssg me or I will periodically check the topic


Edited by kbailey921
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