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F4SE Hanging on Load


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So F4SE has decided to stop working. I've tried removing completely, rolling back, replacing current files, and nothing seems to be working.


I installed Insignificant Object Remover and the game booted through F4SE just fine. Then, having quit, removing it and booting back up again... it worked fine. Third time quitting and rebooting, the game refuses to load through script extender, and now it's a continuous cycle of annoyance where no matter what I try, it simply will not load unless I run it through the default launcher instead. I am not sure if it's a problem with the mod, or whether something has changed somewhere along the line, but if anyone has experienced a similar issue or knows how to fix this, would be greatly appreciated so I can get back to playing again. Most of my mods require the script extender to work so sadly, playing without is a no go!



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I am having the same kind of problem, but it seems it is my antivirus program, that is to fault.

I am using AVG and when i deactivate it, the f4se works fine. Maybe your problem is something similar?

My only solution so far has been to deactivate AVG. :confused:


I found the inspiration for my guess through this link.


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