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Full Bard Mod


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Hi all. Seeing as how the modding tools aren't out yet this is just an early request. When I heard that there was a bard's college in Skyrim I was elated. I always play as a bard (once the necessary mods come out) in TES, but now it would actually be a part of the game! Turns out, not so much. What I would like to see in a Complete Bard Mod would be:


You can play the instruments (animations already in the game)

You can earn money by playing in pubs (dialog option with bartender)

Personality Perks (Pursuade, Barter, etc.)

Use MP3's to play songs that the other bards in the game don't play (instrumentals, for example, to account for your character not being able to talk)


The kind of Bard I play is like from "The Bard's Tale". All skills and perks are personality related (pursuasive speech, Pursuasive or deceptive spells, etc,)


I'm pretty sure that all of this can be done. I'm just not sure if I'm smart enough to do it. HELP!!!

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