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Install Mods in Bethesda packs


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Hello people, i'm new to the forum. :smile:

Sorry in advance for this question, probably is a common thread but i didn't find an answer for what concern Skyrim.


I've downloaded some mods, i want to install them, but in my folder /Data there aren't folders, just only the Bethesda packs (mesh, animations etc etc)

Here the question...

Is enought put the mods folders inside /Data or i've to unpack the BDS Pack,put mods in it and repack? And if i must to unpack that BDS files, how to do it?


In Fallout i was using a Mod Manager, don't know if there's something similar for Skyrim.


Thank you all.


Edited by rikirim
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you merge the data folder or just put the texture folder in the data folder.


Hi Stewie Baum, thanks for answering,

So is enought that the mod is in the /Data directory in a folder called as the corrispective .bsa pack?


like (bold are folders, italic other files):






Other .bsa files


In this way the mod sould be work, right?


Sorry if i didn't explain well, i'm not a native english.


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