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Revisions to unarmed combat


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You have to go up heavy combat and smithing to truly play as an unarmed warrior and it's really difficult even if you are fully pimped out on daedric gear.

Considering there are 2 fully sick finishers that 90% of the players haven't seen yet I would suggest someone create a mod making it more viable.

Like change the damage formula, i'm not sure what it is so far but it really sucks. Also unarmed sneak attacks should have a multiplier! I want to run around the ratways snapping necks!

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Unarmed is pretty viable As I have tried it, if you know how to build your character. I will write a mini guide for those who want it POSSIBLE SPOILERS!!!!!!


1. Make your character a Khajiit for the initial unarmed damage of 15 (Really helps early on)

2.Pick the Warrior stone and change later if you want as you will want to get your Heavy Armour skill up for Iron Fists (converts Gauntlet Armour into damage which is beast at later levels!) And Smiting to get you gauntlets right up there. I have not tried my self but apparently with the enchantments from the Pugilists Gauntlets and maxed out daedric gauntlets, you can get UP TO 400 DAMAGE!

3. Go out there and go slay some dragons with your bare hands!!


Although I have to say, I dont like unarmed as much as killing with my Orc because there just isn't the satisfying CRUNCH as they fall to the ground, only a fake sound slap D:

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