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why the AI cant climb rocks


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Because if they could, things like bears and giants would be too difficult to kite, and they would slaughter PCs, especially bears. I'm thinking it's not Besthesda programming stupid AI, its them dumbing the AI down purposefully because they needed to give the player a way to fight these creatures.


Obviously it's not the ideal solution, but worse sacrifices have been made when crunch time rolls around.


So maybe fixing this isnt a horribly complicated AI/pathing problem as I had presumed, but something a lot easier, like maybe switching a boolean somewhere. I think a nice balance would be enemies could travel over difficult terrain, but maybe they moved slower.

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How is this "mod talk"?


Anyways, I dont think it's because they cant or because they dont want to. It's probably just not a priority. The current AI works well enough, and path-finding is quite the b**ch to deal with anyway, especially in a huge open world like this where they have to be more self-aware rather than following invisible trail-tracks and action-points. It's a common problem in all games. Come to think of it, I dont even think I can mention a single game that does it better in these types of environments. Possibly ArmA2 with some AI-mods, where they can even jump over obstacles and use ladders sometimes in a gameworld that surpass the size of Skyrim.


And besides, AI is a lot of work for the CPU, which isnt exactly consoles strong side (As if they have any strong side at all). I recall I heard complaints from Ubisoft not too long ago about how consoles CPU is constantly limiting their AI for Assassins Creed.

Edited by Mr. Bravo
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It seems it'd be pretty simple to program an AI jump forward if it kept running forward and was not moving at all. I'm not a programmer (took an intro to CS class and made frogger..) but I know that it is a simple trigger with a simple decision to make.


They just did not program in jumping at all. It couldn't be that hard to do... plenty of games have jumping ai.

Edited by Levgre
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If I am not mistaken, this behavior was in since the dawn of time and no mod has ever addressed it. Which leads me to believe that it IS a pathing issue. Bethesda uses something called Navmesh, which tells actors where they can walk. So rocks, pits etc. are not part of the navmesh since that could easily lead to NPC's getting stuck. Instead they treat them as insurmountable objects and try to find an alternate path, which is why if you jump down the cliff, your follower is always going to take the long way around.


You could try to include the "insurmountable" objects in the navmesh but I'm not sure how that would work with collision detection.

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