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Funny Skyrim Moment: Troll trips on a rock


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So, I'm playing on Master level and despite having a 70 one handed and lots of perks, i can barely dent a regular troll which keeps regenerating. Incidentally, I tried fire, to see if that works, and my Destruction was only18, and I didn't do any noticeable damage, which leads me to believe that maybe skills do feed into that after all (I mean aside from perks). Anyway, I run for my life, between two towns, where there was a boulder trap that ALREADY went off. The boulders were just lying there. The troll tripped on the bolder and died!! LOL. I guess they really didn't fix bugs like that from Oblivion, which is slightly disappointing, but so funny! I mean, it just walked over the STATIONARY boulder, keeled over and died. Haha.
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