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A question for the bounty solution?


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Alright ,I didn't know wer to post thes but.. I'll add it here, I've been checking if anyone has alredy added thes sort of mod/fix thing.

Didn't find anything.


I have a problem that started with that cute li'll quest in Markarth wer you help the forsworn break oute of jail ,and wen you break oute they all seem to go on a rampage and everyone attacking everything in the city ,some guards attacked me and I fought back, killed a few and got myself a bounty of 5080gold ,now I didn't think it was going to be a problem in the long run so I just went off to do other stuff in other citys. So I lost all my pre "that" saves.


Now the probles start here wen I got back to that city for some important quests in the main story, guards try to arrest me, alright thats a start I thought I'll just pay them off I have like 50k gold on me. But.. no!

I can't bribe them since they say my crime is to great same for persuasion, I roll my eyes ,ffs fine.. I'll go to prison, but again NO!! The whole damn conversation starts over as if he just stoped me again, so I have a simple choice of fight or flight nothing more or less, I don't know weather thes is a bug, glitch or something else, but thers more!!

Wen I meet the Bounty collector and he tells me that if I pay him the money he'll make the bounty go away so I pay him 6k thats 1k more then my bounty he walks away with my money and my bounty still stayes. And hey ,did you think thats s***, thers MORE!

I finely caved in and tryd cheating mywey oute of thes by using the console command <player.setcrimegold> BUT that doesn't work ither for some strange reason, was checking some forums and some say that command may be broken, GG to me.


So I'm pleding/begging/groveling for someone or something to help me get oute of thes dilema.

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In Oblivion, a bounty over 5K was "unforgivable" short of cheating. Same as with the Grey Fox, where paying gold is never an option to avoid jail. Maybe Skyrim works the same. :unsure: For what it's worth, I stayed out of that fight and other than a few grumpy comments from the survivors, nobody cared that much (so far) about me helping the escape.
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I found something on another forum. And I have the same problem.


So my request would be for one of the great moders on thes forum to look in to thes and see if anything can be done.




It seems thes quest I was doing is seriously bugged and needs some sort of fixing since it is a gamebreaker!

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