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Skyrim NMM and ArchiveInvalidation


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Hello all.


I have recently found myself in the old archivevalidation problem... in Skyrim. I had mods before doing anything and they worked fine (maybe because they were mostly textures), but once I wanted to try a body and races mod I decided to get the Nexus Mod Manager, just in case needed to activate it and such. Following what I learned on Oblivion I activated the data file of the race and placed the body mod in position (it had no esp or esm, so I figure that it didn't needed the manager but the races did), so, just in case I activated the ArchiveInvalidation thingy. I have the theory that it was that what actually broke the game. Now, skins and eyes look black, with detail but black, eyes are broken glass and such. See pic for detail.



At first I felt it was the validation, but just to be sure I tried unistalling all mods and reinstalling. I checked and the races mod never got activated and added, I had to manually activate the Data Files option for that and after that I don't last one minute in game before it crashes, but that's another story that It really doesn't matter. The thing is that now I cannot reverse the ArchiveInvalidation thing. Any help with that? Seems the Nexus Mod Manager won't do anything for me as I stated with the data files of the races.


A list of my mods before this happened:





The mods I wanted to try were

NewRaces.esp (Dremora)


SkyrimConfig (I don't think it has to do but w/e)

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Pretty much having the same problem, it won't let me remove archive invalidation, and it has screwed up some of the textures.


And I have no idea were it is to manually remove it. :/

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Well, I've managed to solve all my texture issues. Just uninstalled Nexus Manager, reinstalled it, didn't touch the Archive Invalidation, and it just seemed to resolve all my problems doing that...

Not for me. Did you do anything else?

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