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Just out of interest - your playtime count


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49 hours....

Not played much during week- first 30 or so were in first weekend I had it, created a assassin/ thief... first char so some mistakes and what not, and created a 2 hand wielding heavy armour clad ork smith... who's allot of fun... and nigh on un-killable.


Will create another stealth char at some point, where I really know what to spec in (no destruction or restoration!)

And at some other point, I'll make a one handed and shield wielding guy, and then of course my `fun` guy, who i'll cheat on and get every skill and perk, and instant level 70 or so.

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Steam says 159 hours.

Wow that's about 110 hours more than I played Oblivion...


However it is not really true that I actually played that long. In order to gain some perk points I „auto“ grinded some skill levels.

You know things like crafting a 100% reduced costs on regeneration armour and then blocking the mouse button and being hit none stop for X hours strait by a low level monster in order to max out heavy and light armour as well as regeneration.


Anyway I still played it a lot.


Thats redundant. Why didnt u just use a conSole command to higher that stat.?!


Anyway - im lvl 26.. About 50 hours so far.

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