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Mods incompatibility? Game crashes.


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Hello there,


I have a problem and i dont know how to handle it. I downloaded some mods, installed them and when i try to play the game, right after clicking Play game crashes.


I got NVSE, Patch 1.4, i also have installed NMCs Texture Pack and Weapon Retexture Project. Im sure that Nevada Skies crashes the game (i have no idea why) but when i turn all on except of it it crashes too. I was thinking that that's because of load order. Help me please!


Best regards,


EDIT ok Nevada Skies and ChristieCOSRifle are crashing the game. Anyone knows why? And why game does not detect NVSE althou i installed it properly?

Edited by elonis
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I've never had ChristieCOS Rifle, so I can't say anything about that, but any weather mods should be dead last in the load order. I actually use two weather/lighting mods, URWLNV, and Nevada Skies together, in that order. What version of NVSE do you have? Every time Beth/Obsidian patched the game, they had to make a new version of NVSE. Might try getting the latest version. Hope that helps.
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