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Scripting Quest Problems


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I've having trouble scripting the stage of a mod I'm working on,


I need the stage of the quest to move on once the player picks up a certain item eg


Investigate parking lot


*picks up item*


Deliver item to...


But I can't seem to get the quest to move on when I pick up the item.


Here's the script that the quest uses,


Begin gamemode


If player.getitemcount JoeyPackage == 1

setstage ROTWMQ01 100

getobjectivecompleted ROTWMQ01 50





The script compiles and the GECK has no problems with it, it just dosen't perform the function I would like it to.





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This is not my favorite part of modding, but let me give this a shot and perhaps we can get somewhere. There must be something missing as far as what you are showing because by itself I don't see where that script does much.

It says if the Player has item JoeyPackage then stop Stage 100 of Quest ROTWMQ01, then asking if Objective 50 of Quest ROTWMQ01 is finished (1) or not (0). Stage 100 is normally the final Stage of a Quest and when it starts it is actually stopping the entire Quest.

Is what you are showing the only thing in your Quest Script besides the Script Name? What other scripts are you using?

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