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dra6o0n - BANNED

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dra6o0n banned.




The statements made here conflict. So, either you're a hypocrite and a hater or you're a pirate.


Crash to desktop is a Bethesda Trait, and you bought it.

It won't ever be fixed because it's more likely something Bethesda did with their codes... And they carried it over from Oblivion to Fallout 3 to New Vegas to Brink and then to Skyrim...


Developers who has a habit of repeating mistakes, are not worth paying.

Which is an indication that you're not planning on buying/playing Skyrim since the developers don't deserve to be paid.



I was playing around with lightning bolt and props in whiterun, I shot a jar and it flew into the mountains... A few seconds later when I looked away, and came back... It popped up RIGHT on that spot where I just shot it... On the ground.

And several others where you talk about your own personal actions while playing Skyrim. Some of these comments about your playing were made before your comment about not wanting to pay developers.



This site only supports people who support the makers of the games they PLAY. It's fine if you don't like a company or certain games to where you don't feel like paying for them. But don't pirate and PLAY them then.

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