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SkyUI Compatibility error: 4.1, not 5.1


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the mod itself works fine, but I downloaded a mod called 'A quality world map' through nexus as well, and while its supposedly supposed to be compatible with SkyUI in some way, whenever I start the game and open up my map, it says that there's an error with SkyUI and its versions, saying that its version 4.1 and not 5.1. I reinstalled the mod, nothing happened. I checked the in-game mod configuration and it said that it was 5.1, but the error still continued. I reinstalled 'A quality world map' and this time configured it so that the compatibility feature would not be present, and my game crashed when I opened it. I tried installing SkyUI through steam workshop, and my game crashed. if I were to actually be asking a question, it would be these two: how are these two mods compatible? does it really matter at all? because if its not necessary I would like to just ignore it (both mods work perfectly fine if you don't count what they do when put together, so if I don't need it I don't want it) if its actually useful I would like some help. Second question: How do I fix this? Simple question, long answer. I hope you guys can help me! Thanks

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