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Improving the Blades


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I would love this so much. I don't like having to choose between the one good dragon in the game's life and the Blades' support. :S


Plus, the current base of theirs is pretty silly, and doesn't even vaguely look like it's at all inhabitable. Any improvements on any of this would certainly be awesome.


It's a shame that voices are such a pain to deal with, though. :V

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I adore this idea. I was very excited when I went on the hunt for Sky Haven Temple, and pretty let down when I found it. Just a couple rooms. Eh ok. Then I got excited when I could recruit members into the Blades. Oh only three? Really? You sure Delphine? I mean I've met a lot of people on my... ok no, I understand. You can't train anyone else. I would also love for some missions involving the Thalmor too. Maybe some infiltrate and sabotage missions. Help securing the Empire's security whether the Emperor appreciates it or not. I do tend to wonder if some of these seemingly half done factions (The Blades, The Vigilant of Stendarr, even the Silver Hand, I mean who likes warewolves? I'd love to join those guys) are being saved for DLC. I mean a rebuilding the Blades quest line seems like a perfect money making scheme. They could do it along the lines of the Knights of the Nine. That just kind of makes me nervous though. For some reason I tend to find myself placing more stock in modders then Beth DLC. I mean I actually paid money for Battlehorn castle. Then I downloaded 30 castle mods with custom meshes and quests that are 500 times better then Beth's official castle DLC.


I seemed to have wandered off topic, but I love the idea of a redone Blades faction and HQ. More rooms in the Temple would have awesome, and perhaps an easier way to get to the temple without fast traveling. Maybe another outside door or something? Just a thought.

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I believe we plan to make 8 special recruits: Those fill a job to support the Blades as a faction.

The way you recruit NPCs normally (vanilla Skyrim), will still be available and the max will probably depend on how much sleeping space we will build (maybe excluding members in the field). Eight is thus a minimum for the Blades to function as a faction, those are recruited through special quests. The rest is up to you - to make other people join. These 'normal' members can probably guard, hunt for food, be your eyes and ears in a city and are possible followers.

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For any not following the Sourceforge discussions, I have updated the Blades Oath a bit as per critiques. I formatted this to be said around the board in front of Alduin's Wall, with the Grandmaster standing at the head and all the initiates facing the Wall. This version leans toward participation from everyone, with four speaking roles (plus the Grandmaster) and one verse where everyone joins in. Without further ado -


Grandmaster: Initiates, take your seats.


[initiates sit at the board as the Grandmaster stands at its head, all but the Grandmaster face Alduin's Wall]


You have been gathered here today to swear your allegiance to the Order of the Blades, yet before you bind yourself to service you must understand the purpose of this act. The Oath has been administered to uncounted legions before you, and just as time changes all, burying the old to make way for the new, so too has the Oath changed to suit you now, in this place. Not all has been changed, however, for some things may stand against the winds that blow and the waters that wash away. It is this combination of old and new, tradition and genesis, new faces bearing ancient armaments, that has become the body and soul of our new Order.


Tell me, Initiate, where do we stand?


Initiate 1: [Rises] We stand in Sky Haven Temple, built by the first Akaviri Dragonguard to reach the shores of Skyrim. Before us is Alduin's Wall, the prophecy interpreted from an Elder Scroll and carved into the mountain, foreseeing the time when Alduin the World-Eater would return to resurrect his fallen allies. It also foretells the coming of the Dragonborn, the one with the soul of a dragon encased within a mortal body, to whom the Blades give their swords and their shields.


Grandmaster: This place is the last stronghold of our Order in all Tamriel, as well as the first. These stone walls and dusty chambers were built by our ancestors, the Akaviri themselves. Just as we look to the future, so too do we look to the past for guidance.


Tell me, Initiate, how did the Blades come to be?


Initiate 2: [Rises] Our ancestors, the Akaviri, came from over the seas, pursuing the dragons which caused indiscriminate damage to the land and its people. They were called the Dragonguard, and though their purpose was honest, the men of Skyrim protested the intrusion and made war against the newcomers. The Dragonguard was fought all the way to Pale Pass, where the warrior Reman Cyrodiil defeated them completely. The Dragonguard saw in Reman the soul of a dragon, and from that point their purpose was refined into the protection of the Dragonborn. Their services, their skills, their honor, and their very lives were pledged to those of the Dragonblood, from Tiber Septim through Martin Septim.


Grandmaster: After the death of Martin Septim our purpose was confused, as there was no Dragonborn for us to aid. It was this confusion which led to our near extinction at the hands of the Thalmor, the cursed Elven threat to all the free people of Tamriel. Yet from our ashes we have been reborn, here in this place as old as history, and we now have the ability to fight back.


Tell me, Initiate, what you are wearing, and what is sheathed at your side, and what do you hold in your hand?


Initiate 3: [Rises] I wear the uniform of the Blades, dragonscale armor of renowned design, strength, and flexibility, smithed by the Dragonguard itself. My armor signifies my history and heritage, the might and valour of long generations of Blades. At my side is my katana, the symbol of old Akavir, forged and tempered to flex and bow with the stress of battle, yet sharpened to cleave through the bones of Alduin himself. My sword signifies the strength I must have and the discipline I must achieve to be a warrior worthy of the Blades, for just as a sword can only be driven by a strong arm, so can the life of a Blade only be driven by a strong purpose. In my hand is my shield, strong and simple, with which I protect myself from any harm. My shield signifies my duties to the Dragonborn and to my Order, to protect them from all harm, and to do it solidly and without argument.


Grandmaster: As important as your arms and armor are, the true power of the Blades lies within the folded steel and decorated helms. Our very survival through the Thalmor invasion has depended on one factor, a constant part of our Order without which we would surely fade into dust.


Tell me, Initiate, who stands around you?


Initiate 4: [All rise] I stand in the presence of those dedicated to serve the Dragonborn, those who have given up their previous lives to pursue a path of righteousness remembered only by our own. I stand with the results of thousands of years of history, training, ceremony, and purpose. I stand among brave men and women who have learned the way of the sword in the clouds atop the highest mountain peaks, who have beat back dragonfire with their shields, who have sacrificed their lives to prevent disaster from befalling the world once more. I stand also in the presence of countless spirits, drawn to this place as the last bastion of our ancient order. I Feel the walls, the air, hear the whispers through halls of stone, and know that I am in the best company a true heart could ask for.


Grandmaster: Hear as the walls reverberate to your voice. Feel how the air seems to stand still, how every particle of dust seems to listen. This is the time in which bonds are made, to be honored beyond death.


Now, Initiates, what say you?


Initiates [All]: With these words I now devote myself to the purposes of the Blades. I give my services, my skills, my honor, and my very life to the protection of the Dragonborn, and to the good of all the free people of Tamriel. I shall let no threat go unchallenged, and no valorous deed go unnoticed. I swear that when I am told to kill, I will draw the blade, that when I am told to show mercy I will hold the blow, that when I am told to advance I will not question or let fear overcome me, and that when I am told to retreat, I will not dishonor our name. I have dressed in the uniform, I have sharpened my sword, and I have burnished my shield so that I may become one in the long line of valiant protectors of the Dragonborn. All of this I pledge now, in the presence of Blades both living and dead, so that I may become part of that which is greater than myself.


Grandmaster: As you have so sworn, by my authority as Grandmaster, I now name you Blades, protectors of the Dragonborn, heirs of Akavir, bane of dragons, bound in honor beyond the doors of death. Rest now, and behold, as before you lies your destiny.


[Notes: Should be given at the large board in front of Alduin's Wall. Initiates with speaking roles will need to be new characters, for lack of resources to voice-act every recruitable companion. The last answer of the Initiates could be voiced by our actors, then multiplied to signify the response of every character, separately voiced or not.]

Edited by Kohdi
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Well, after reading my way through all 30 or so pages I have finally finished. I think this mod is a great idea and I totally agree with everybody's feelings on the original vanilla Paarthurnax quest. I would love to help in any way I can but I have almost no experience with modding. I did some small, unreleased, mods for oblivion just with the construction set but nothing major. However, over the last few days I have been looking into how to create custom meshes but as the creation kit is not out yet, I am having to rely on old oblivion tutorials and I am hesitant to learn this way in case Skyrim's creation kit is totally different to Oblivion's. This basically restricts me to voice acting, testing and simple work (as I am not much of a writer) at the moment so if my assistance is needed I will gladly contribute. If I do manage to get the hang of more complex modding then I will probably be of more use but this will take time to learn. However, I love all the ideas so far and reading this from the start and watching ideas develop has been very enjoyable.
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This mod is going to be crazy. Yeah, just make the weapon room bigger, and make another room on the rightside of Alduin wall, and we'll have enough for 20 single beds for 20 recruits =). Look at the thief guild. They have 13 members. Even Forsworn or Thalmor have too many to count members around their camps.
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