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Improving the Blades


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AoC- Thanks for the voice acting offer. What sort of voices can you do?



Well if you want to give me some examples of what you want in the next few weeks when I get a new headset Ill do some samples. As long as Im not sick lol

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Can the Wizard and/or Thief/Spy/Assassin also hold roles in Alchemy? For example, the Wizard makes beneficial potions available while the other makes poisons and harmfulpotions available?

Scratch that, I'm going to edit the quest progress. The only problem I forsee is too many of these profession NPCs but we can obviously revise what we need to.


On Jauffre, if Alduin's Wall was known about but inaccessible then couldn't he still have gone there having predicted the inhevitable return of a Dragonborn who would unlock Sky Haven temple so he just went there to wait? That would place his Ghost in the caves or just outside the entrance which is still a viable place for him to have been.

Edited by Drytor
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Well, I think what's been happening is that we're getting the story, and the setting down. We can't do much in the way of actually getting it into the game until the CK comes out, at which point it might still be a week or longer before even the first stage is out (by my reasoning, it took me at least a week to get my very first mod up and it wasn't even that big, it only took so long because I didn't really know what I was doing.) So I'd say maybe a month after the CK release for stage 1? Don't hold me to that though I'm just going by how long it took me to get a mod up and running that involved scripting and new npcs.
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I'm in full support of the general idea here, the vanilla blades faction indeed is very dissapointing, to say the least.

Also, would you be in the need of voice actors, I have a microphone right here and tough I don't know it the quality is good enough, I'm willing to try and send you and "audition" tape, which I could improvise a bit. =)

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I was thinking of a way around the Paarthurnax issue for people (like me) who have all ready killed him. Maybe make it so it doesn't check if the quest "Paarthurnax" is completed, and if he's alive or not. Meaning just give him the dialogue with no conditions other then being able to talk to him. Perhaps in a later quest there will be no going back from the choice you make here, meaning after a certain point you must choose Ally or Extermination, but independent from Paarthurnax's life/death. In this later quest where the decision is finalized, we get the option of killing him again if we simply spawned him from the console, otherwise it continues as normal. It's a compromise to be sure, but it still gives everyone the option to do the dragon ally quests, at least up to a certain point where they have to make the final choice, do they live or die?


I hope this is to everyones liking, if not, I'll see about finding a way to make a mod to reverse the decision. Maybe by changing the quest completely, using another dragon as a substitute to Paarthurnax, a way of fooling the Blades into thinking you killed him, when you really didn't. Maybe that could be worked into the Dragon Ally quests? If you have completed the Paarthurnax quest all ready, you learn you didn't really kill him, but instead killed a doppelganger, a dragon that looked like him, even spoke like him, in all his years he found a way to make a near exact copy of himself using the bones of another dragon, one who no longer had a soul to give.




If Paarthurnax quest is completed all ready, a Paarthurnax clone shows up to facilitate Dragon Ally quests and have the same functions as the other one. If someone wants to destroy the dragons, they simply kill this new version of Paarthurnax, keeping everything intact without much effort to find a way around the dilemma some people might face.

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What is in stone is that we're going to extend the possibilities in the existing Paarthurnax quest. A lot of people think the Blades are short-minded on the issue around Paarthurnax and whether he is per definition evil or has changed his way and can be considered an ally to mankind, not a threat. This being said, whether we're going to use Paarthurnax in the Dragon Ally Questline is unsure.
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Depends on how it works out in the grand scheme of things, I understand. Now if only I had more skill making cells I'd be able to do more then spout out random ideas.
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Dragon allies, hmn, I'd almost get the idea to eventualy devellop Blade dragon riders, xD not sure if that's taking it too far... Would be awesome to see a bunch of riders swoop down on the Thalmor tough, would server them right. xD
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There is a "Dragon Riders of Skyrim" mod in the works. The link to the topic is in my signature. Check it out, it's shaping up to be good. Hopefully, these 3 great mods will work nicely together, if not I foresee many days working in an editor getting them to be compatible for me...
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