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Playable or permanently tamable Wolf


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Hello, I just like wolves very much and would like to be able to interact with them in a way that doesn't involve slashing, stabbing, hammering, shooting, or burning.


So is it possible to make a playable animal character? or create a spell that permanently charms wild animals? Like a druid i guess.


I guess being a wolf, it would have advantage in sneaking and better detection, with double bonus on eating meats.

Edited by kuroneko418
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There's a mod out to swap dog models with Wolf or Fox, unfortunately the eyes have gone missing. :-(




What would happen if you used these console commands on an animal (or even dragon)? (commands from http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Console_Commands_(Skyrim )


Addtofaction 0005A1​A4 1 adds an NPC to the player ally faction, which will make a normally hostile NPC no longer hostile towards the player.


player.setrelationshiprank <actor> <value> - used to set an NPCs disposition towards the player. IE "player.setrelationshiprank player 4" will set the selected NPC's relationship rank to 4 (the highest).


If this doesn't help when attempting to add Follower dialogue to an NPC, as it didn't for me, try setrelationshiprank <actor> <value> and then player.setrelationshiprank <actor> <value>. Coupled with the above faction modification, this works on all nonessential NPCs in my experience.


Addtofaction 5C84D 1 adds an NPC to the potentialfollower faction. However, whether or not they'll follow you depends on their disposition towards you.


Would be a hoot if you turned a dragon into a follower...or maybe even a bear or ice troll as a follower.


I suppose a pet would not use the follower faction. Perhaps there is a pet faction?

Edited by Mystais
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