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Saved games don't load.


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I have played Skyrim for over 60 hours without any hiccups until today. When I loaded into the game and was arrested in white run the jail would not load. I closed Skyrim and restarted steam and now the game wont load from the main menu. I managed to load into an earlier save (somehwere in Whiterun) and was able to load back to the original save from that point. My last 5 or 6 saves don't work and I have to load to that Whiterun save to be able to load to any of my new saves. Also whenever I have to go to jail it never loads. I've read some similar threads and adjusting the sound settings in the Control Panel did not work.


TL;DR: New saves don't load. Can load into them if I first load into an old save. Anytime I go to jail it won't load.

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