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Mannequines (hope i spelled that right, but probably not)


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so we can show off our armor in our houses :3 this includes the retextures and custome armors from the amazing modders of the nexus community


If you're posing this as a question, the answer would be yes. The mannequins act like a regular NPC (to the best of my knowledge) and should wear just about anything you put on it, except for weapons.

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  • 3 months later...
Thanks for correcting the word, I was thinking transfering the Warehouse that was made for Oblivion (I forgot the name) It had an alchemy room, lots of display cases, and a portal on each of the doors of the player homes like a doorbell.
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I have recently released a Mannequin mod, as well as a fix to the Vanilla Mannequins. Both fix the "Dupe Bug" as well as the "Wandering Mannequin Bug" and allow for WEAPONS and adding other items for storage


Wandering Dupe Mannequin Fix (v1.1 is the one to use if you want the MOST compatibility):




This adds 65 different types of Mannequins to the game, all different races, animals, undead, even a dragon! I will be updating this to reflect the script changes I made in the above Mod-Fix's v1.2 (the Customize and Movement Menus). The new version will allow changing races/type and choose poses.

SLuckyD's Portable On-Demand Disposable Unlimited Mannequins (SPODUM):


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