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Forbidden Ebony Armor, someone please make this :)


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As the title suggests, Id really love to see someone bring this into nexus. It's called Forbidden Ebony, and it comes in three variations. Sorry but i cant attach any images due to forum constraints on file sizes. But If you google Forbidden Ebony armor, you'll have no trouble finding images and more info on this beautiful set if you arent already familiar with it. I'd Especially like to see a CBBE TBBP version for it. it wouldnt be hard. in fact, if you do a little hunting, you can actually find the mod to manually download that already gives it. problem is, it has some mesh issues. Still, if someone could get the permissions from whoever designed these beautiful sets and make them with equal quality and with options for both UNP, 7B, and CBBE and give a TBBP option for all three, omg that would be amazing. I'm no mod designer so I don't know how much of an undertaking this would actually be. im sure some of you pro mod makers may have read my previous sentence and just facepalmed at how "its not that simple to do". lol. but hey! I've seen you guys do incredible things on here so im sure it can be done. What do you all think guys? you all agree someone should make this in nexus? if you know if someones working on it already, let me know.







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The real problem with that mod is that it includes stolen content from one of the Arkham series Batman games. The bodysuit on some of the outfits uses Catwoman's set from the Arkham City game and it's not a permitted port.


The entire mod was removed from here previously due to this copyright violation (a few times), and as such we do not allow the mod or images of it to be posted here.

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