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Glitch(?): Playable Offensive Corprus Spells


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A year or two ago as I was playing morrowind as a High Elf in house Telvanni, I was retrieving the Robe of Drake's Pride (I do not recall whether or not it was as a quest, or for myself, knowing where it was). I fought the dark elf that was wearing it (I think I was at level 2), and took the robe. Shortly after I left the building and went to the spell list menu, I noticed two new spells that cast corprus on target or touch ( I don't remember the names, but there was definately "Ash" somwhere in the names.) It cost overwhelming amounts of magic points to cast, and required an extremely high destruction skill to cast, and the base spellmaking cost was in the neighborhood of 2500 gold coins. I have since deleted the save game when cleaning up my xbox, and I've since tried fighting for the robe again, to see if I would get the spells again. No luck. Could somebody else with similar experiences determine how to get these spells again? Surely somebody with the PC version could enter some sort of code for getting the spell and verily proving its existence?
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There are 3 "Ash Curse: Whatever" spells, Health, Fatigue, and Spell Points. All three are Corprus for 1 second on Self, and Drain their respective stat 10-20 points for 1 second on touch. All three are only used by Senise Thindo, whose class is Battlemage rather than Battlemage Service. As far as I can tell, there's no way that you should have been aware of their corprus effect, let alone had them in your spellbook. I'll call this a bug for now.


There's also Ash Curse, a low power Drain Health spell, and Ash Woe Blight and Ash-Chancre, both of which are blight diseases.


The Corprus magic effect, incidentally, is only available with a range of Self.

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Wouldn't that break the main quest a little? IIRC, you couldn't get Corprus until you met that bloke in that cave (also the location of those über-gauntlets, Randagul, am I right?).

I mean that it is impossible use the CS to create a spell with Touch or Target range Corprus.


Of course, if you mean that the player being afflicted with Corprus early might break things, that's probably true.

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Senise Thindo... Thats the one. The Dunmer with the Robe of Drake's Pride. Indeed interesting that the spells were somehow transferred to my character's spell list. And I didn't "create" the spells... when I pressed the "Y" button for info, there were corprus/blight effects on other. That's just the way they came, and some had dual effects.
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