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Use these car resources! (and a bonus tv)


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I came across a modeler called Renafox. Who modeled lots of cars from previous fallouts (I hate bethesda fallout redesigns) and they look awesome.


I was thinking, maybe someone can contact him and make a mod replacing the car wrecks around the commonwealth










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These are really good, thanks for sharing the links. I'd love to see these in the game!

However, as the author states some of them are inspired by concept art from Fallout 3 etc, while others are 'versions' of vehicles from Fallout 1/2 I'm not sure if they'd infringe Nexus T.O.S. regarding using assets from previous Bethesda games. :(

I hope not, as we could do with more variety of automobiles for Fallout4.

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I think Renafox's models are great, but they imitate the cartoonish style of the old Fallout games so much, they don't look like they'd fit in well to FO4 without some heavy 'realistification'. (my neologism for today)


AFAIK, The legal prohibition of using other game 'assets' means, the actual art files taken from those games. It doesn't prohibit someone from recreating them from scratch, geometry and textures etc., as Renafox apparently has.


The TVs are nice, but they're way too modern for Fallout, IMO.

Edited by radiumskull
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I'd only agree that the Tank Truck is one vehicle that definitely wouldn't quite 'fit in' with FO4, and your right about the tv - it's a bit too 70's/early 80's. The other cars would make fine additions, although personally, the Deuce coupe is a perfect fit, even though it's missing it's back wheels!

Edited by AGreatWeight
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